What’s in the Rules Box: Adeptus Titanicus Horus Heresy

What's in the Rules Box: Adeptus Titanicus Horus Heresy

Adeptus Titanicus is finally here! If you want to play the newest version of the game, check out the latest on the 2018 rules set, unboxed and reviewed!

The new Adeptus Titanicus has everyone wanting to march giant robots across the tabletop. But, before you do, you got to know the rules.

Come and see all the great accessories, cards, dice, and other cool stuff you get if you buy this Rules Set.

Adeptus Titanicus: The Horus Heresy Rules Set: $60

Get Yours For Less From Miniature Markettitanicus rules set


The Rules Set includes a 96-page hardback book containing all the rules needed to play games of Adeptus Titanicus, from basic movement and resolving attacks through to advanced and optional rules which add incredible depth and tactical complexity. Along with the comprehensive rules manual, a host of accessories are included – Command Terminals, Battlefield Assets and more.

What's in the Rules Box: Adeptus Titanicus Horus Heresy

What’s in the Rules Box: Adeptus Titanicus Horus Heresy

This first thing we notice during the unboxing process is that your Rules Set comes tightly packed and that everything has its place. More and more companies are putting plastic divider type inserts into their game boxes to keep your game components looking fresh.

We are glad to see that GW has started to incorporate this system into their products.

Template Sprue

We get to see the new Template sprue for Titanicus and go over all the components on the sprue. Rob also pulls out some bases and shows us exactly what size bases you will need for your other titan classes based off of the size of the firing arc templates.

Dice and Card

Next, we get to find out what some of these new dice are for as Rob goes over the new dice and what they do in a game of Titanicus. Also, he gives us the rundown on the quick start guide and talks about a few game mechanics as well.

Titanicus Book

Last but not least we get to pour over the new Rulebook for Adeptus Titanicus and see just what you get in this 96-page hardcover book. Including Basic and Advanced Rules and backstory for all the Titan Legions.

This new Rules Set Box is a great way to get your feet wet in the world of Titanicus, without the larger price tag.

With this release, you can slowly build your Titanicus collection or split the Grandmaster Edition with a friend. Either way, everyone gets the rules and accessories they need to play the game.

Make sure you check out our full unboxing video below to see all the details of this new box set.