The howl of Fenris has gone out, and the wolves are upon us this week.
This issue previews the new Space Wolves codex, and Venerable Dreadnought / Murderfang kit, both releasing next Saturday August 9th!
While not the best issue of the month, this weeks magazine features all sorts of flash in the form the new releases, but still manages to cram in some content to boot as well.
We got yet another Paint Spatter dedicated to the wolves (with some pretty neat tips). Plus a neat War Diary featuring various hobbyists in their quest to Forge the Narrative.
Jeremy Vetock was back this week, but we still haven’t seen a Blanchistu article in awhile. Speak of which, what the heck happened to Games Day?
Looks like that once proud event was quietly wisked off in the dark of night. I guess we’re not going to see any Golden Demon coverage this year either.
Games Days and Golden Demons competitions of old, you will be missed.
Want the full skinny from this week’s White Dwarf? Checkout the full video review of this issue below! -MBG