White Dwarf Review – #31 Mortarchs of Nagash

By Rob Baer | September 1st, 2014 | Categories: Product Review, Videos, White Dwarf

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Week two of the end times of the Warhammer Fantasy world is upon us, and if you loved the Nagash issue last week you should like this one as well!

This issue saw a revealing look at Nagash’s background with a brief update to bring him current to the latest events swirling in the Warhammer world penned by Phil Kelly in his new Codex Apocrypha feature.

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Games Workshop also introduced the new Mortarch models this week as well, which you can field with Nagash to bring about the end of the Warhammer World a tad bit quicker.

There was another great Paint Splatter article this week on Manfred Von Carstien, and his new mount.


I loved this particular article as it showed off more neat color schemes that we haven’t seen before, and is invaluable to anyone trying to emulate the paint jobs on the Mortarches themselves.

I couldn’t find any fresh clues on what next issue will bring, so imagine we’ll see a Nagash third wave release in next weeks issue.

Check it all out below in my first look review of issue #31! -MBG