Ynnari & Harlequin Army Painted Wraithbone Army

By Drago | February 23rd, 2018 | Categories: Army Showcase, Eldar, Harlequins, Videos, Warhammer 40k News

dbc ynnari army 4Eldrad Ulthran has great support from his Harlequin allies, summoning the Yncarne for the good of his people. Take a look at this inspired Ynnari display!

This Ynnari Harlequin army and the display was created by Dark Bunny Creatives. Take a look at this preview and be sure to check out the full view by pressing play on the video below!

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The board was inspired by the Birth of the Yncarne story from Games Workshop, displaying Eldrad casting to summon the Yncarne and surrounded by the Harlequins helping him. The board is created from pink insulation foam, hardboard, and foam board plus different paints, gems, and painted beads to look like gems. The entire board took about 40 hours to plan, build, and paint.

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Overall, the entire army is 4000 points with all the war gear. There are Troupes, Troupe Masters, Shadowseers, Starweavers, Voidweavers, Skyweavers, Yvraine, Eldrad Ulthran, and a Solitaire. The Yncarne is not displayed on the board but is included in the army. Overall, a lot of close combat with decent ranged shooting support with the Voidweavers.

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Overall, this Ynnari Harlequin army has great aesthetic and looks amazing on the table. For more information about Dark Bunny Creatives, or and to contact them for yourself, check out their Facebook page! Take a look at this entire army for yourself by pressing play on the video below!