$50 or Less: Warcry Destruction Warband Tips & Tactics

By Travis Perkins | October 21st, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Tactics, Warcry

ironjaw brute walWhile they may not be as scary as the Chaos warbands, today we take a look at what Warcry Destruction Warband has the best bang for your buck?

We are continuing our push through the warcry warbands to see the best way to start warbands, keeping the cost as close to $50 as possible. Previously we have looked at the Chaos warbands which you can see here, and here. Which if you have any interest in buying the fantastic deal that is the starter set you should get on that, as GW has stated that it won’t be around forever. If you are interested in the Order side of things you can see that write up here.


Today we are going to look at the three Destruction warbands, Ironjawz, Bonesplitterz, and everyone’s favorite Gloomspite Gitz!


Starting with the Bonesplitterz let’s see what we can do in terms of building an army which I absolutely love the price point for this warband. $50 gets you a box of 20 Savage Orruk Morboys which you can build out however you want, allowing you the freedom to make a couple with bows, a couple with shields, etc. For this warband, though I am going to ignore the ranged units because I think they are a little pillow fisted, and instead focus on rushing a lot of models forwards.

  • Savage Morboy Boss (Leader): 205 Points: Move 4”, 4 Toughness, 25 Wounds. Melee Attack: Range 1”, 4 Dice, 4 Strength, 3 Damage. (6 on critical)
  • Savage Orruk Morboy with Bone Totem 110 Points: Move 4”, 3 Toughness, 15 Wounds. Melee Attack: Range 3”, 3 Dice, 4 Strength, 2 Damage. (4 on critical)
  • Savage Big Stabbas 175 Points: Move 4”, 3 Toughness, 30 Wounds. Range 1”, 3 Dice, 5 Strength, 3 Damage. (6 on critical)
  • 3 Savage Orruk Morboy 330 Points (110 Points each): Move 4”, 3 Toughness, 15 Wounds. Melee Attack: Range 1”, 3 Dice, 4 Strength, 2 Damage. (4 on critical)
  • 2 Savage Orruk with Chompa and Bone Shield 180 Points (90 Points each): Move 4”, 4 Toughness, 15 Wounds. Melee Attack: Range 1”, 3 Dice, 3 Strength, 1 Damage. (3 on critical)

Total: 1000 Points

Their abilities are as follows:

  • (All) (Double): Use if an enemy fighter is within 6” of them, this fighter can make a bonus move action and must closer to the enemy fighter.
  • (Savage Orruk Morboy) (Double): Pick an enemy fighter within 1” and roll a dice, on a 3-2 that fighter takes 1 damage. One a 5-6 that fighter takes damage equal to the dice value.
  • (Bone Totem) (Double): Until the end of the battle round add 1 to Toughness of all friendly models within 6” of this model.
  • (Leaders) (Triple): Add the value of this dice roll to the Move value of friendly fighters while they are within 6” of this model until end of the battleround.
  • (Archers) (Triple): Add 1 to the Arracks characteristic of attacks made by this fighter against an enemy fighter more than 3” away.
  • (All) (Quad): Until the end of activation, add 1 to the attack characteristic. Each time an enemy fighter is taken down by an attack action by this fighter that fighter can make a bonus move action.

As stated above, I love the value for money you get with this warband, especially with the new Orruk battletome coming out. This warband fits in perfectly with that as you get 20 models that you can use toward a Bonesplitterz army. You can build 10 Archers, 10 non-archers, etc. or if you are not expanding into Age of Sigmar you have a whopping 20 models to build however you want. Plus, these guys are solid, with decent wounds and if you activate the totem a solid toughness. Their weakness is their move though so you’re going to need to get them into combat ASAP and you might struggle against a ranged focus army.

Gloomspite Gitz

gloomspite preview 6

Next up the Gloomspite Gitz want to get in on the Warcry action lets see what we can do with these guys. First I think your best bet is to get the Shadespire warband for $25 which will give you some fantastic models as well as some options to play around with. Then add in a unit of Stabbas for $35 which contains a whopping 20 models. This also happens to include the shootas models as well so just like the Bonesplitterz you have more than enough for options.

  • Moonclan Boss (Leader): 150 Points: Move 4”, 4 Toughness, 16 Wounds. Melee Attack: Range 1”, 4 Dice, Strength 4, 2 Damage. (4 on critical)
  • 3 Stabbas with Barbed Net: 135 Points (45 Points each): Move 4”, 3 Toughness, 8 Wounds. Melee Attack: Range 1”, 3 Dice, 3 Strength, 1 Damage. (2 on critical)
  • 2 Cave Squigs: 280 Points (140 Points each): Move 4”, 4 Toughness, 15 Wounds. Melee Attack: Range 1”, 4 Dice, 5 Strength, 2 Damage. (4 on critical)
  • 2 Shoota: 130 Points (65 Points each): Move 4”, 3 Toughness, 8 Wounds. Ranged Attack: 3 – 12”, 2 Dice, 3 Strength, 1 Damage. (3 on critical). Melee Attack: Range 1”, 3 Dice, 3 Strength, 1 Damage. (2 on critical)
  • 4 Stabba: 280 Points (70 Points each): Move 4”, 4 Toughness, 8 Wounds. Melee Attack: Range 1”, 3 Dice, 3 Strength, 1 Damage. (3 on critical)

Total: 975 Points

Their abilities are as follows:

  • (All) (Double): If there is a visible enemy friendly fighter within 1” of this model, you can add 1 to the Attacks and Strength of this model for attacks with Range 3” or less.
  • (Nets) (Double): Pick enemy within 3” and roll a dice, on a 3+ that model cannot make move actions or disengage actions.
  • (Squig Hoppers) (Triple): Until end of this fighters activation, the next time this fighter finished a move within 1” of enemy fighter. That fighter suffers a number of wounds equal to this ability.
  • (Leaders) (Triple): Until end of battle round, add 1 to Attacks that have Range 3” or less of friendly fighters while they are within 6” of this fighter
  • (Squig Hearder) (Triple): Pick friendly beat within 4” of this fighter and they can make a bonus move action.
  • (All) (Quad): This fighter makes a bonus move action, then makes a bonus attack action. In addition it the attack action is 1” add the value of this dice roll to any critical hits rolled for the bonus attack action

gloomspite gitz age of sigmar how to play

Again, I love the cheapness to ratio of models you get with this warband, this provides you with a ton of options moving forward. It also lets you build on this for Age of Sigmar as well if need be. This is pretty much a horde army in that not many of your models are going to go toe to toe with your opponent. You basically playing for objectives and trying to kill your opponent via death by 1000 cuts method. I have thought about going all shoota’s as well with this warband but that seemed to easy….


orruk ironjaws horz

Finally the big bad Ironjawz, which if you’re going Ironjawz you might as well as play Brutes because they are awesome. Plus, if you want an easy to paint low model count army this is the one for you, it’s also very affordable at your entire warband being $50.

  • Brute Boss with Boss Klaw and Brute Smasha (Leader): 250 Points: Move 3”, 5 Toughness, 35 Wounds. Melee Attack: Range 1”, 4 Dice, 5 Strength, 2 Damage. (5 on critical)
  • Brute with Gore Choppa: 200 Points: Move 3”, 5 Toughness, 25 Wounds. Melee Attack: Range 1”, 3 Dice, 5 Strength, 3 Damage. (6 on critical)
  • 3 Brute with Two Brute Choppas: 540 Points (180 Points each): Move 3”, 5 Toughness, 25 Wounds. Melee Attack: Range 1”, 4 Dice, 4 Strength, 2 Damage. (4 on critical)

Total: 990 Points

Their abilities are as follows:

  • (All) (Double): Use if an enemy fighter is within 6” of them, this fighter can make a bonus move action and must closer to the enemy fighter.
  • (Shields) (Double): After this fighters move action targets a fighter within 1” and roll a dice. On a 4-5 allocate 1 damage point to that fighter, on 6 deal this ability roll to them
  • (Brutes) (Double): Add 2 to Attacks and Strength characteristic of attack actions made by this fighter that have range 3” or less and target an enemy with wounds of 15 or more.
  • (Leaders) (Triple): Add the value of this dice roll to the Move value of friendly fighters while they are within 6” of this model until the end of the battleround.
  • (Leader with claw) (Triple): Pick enemy fighter within 1” and roll a dice. On a 3+ that fighter cannot make move actions or disengage, in addition, if a 6 was rolled this fighter can make a bonus attack action.
  • (All) (Quad): Until the end of activation, add 1 to the attack characteristic. Each time an enemy fighter is taken down by an attack action by this fighter that fighter can make a bonus move action.

ironjaw brute wal

So, this warband is interesting in that it can go toe to toe with anyone, except is has a huge flaw. That is a low model count and a very slow movement. You’re going to be hard-pressed to win games that are objective-based with these models. But on the plus side, you only have 5 models to paint so you can have a fully painted warband quickly. Also, just like the Bonesplitterz this warband has a brand new battletome that came out so it’s easy to jump into AoS from these guys.

There you have it; I absolutely love the value to money for these factions of Warcry and I think they rank up there with the chaos warbands in terms of value for what you get at $50. If I had to pick a favorite, I think the Bonesplitterz are the most well-rounded warband and can do the most. But, if you mixed in some Squig Riders, (a larger investment) the Gloomspite Gitz could be a powerhouse as well.


More Warcry How-To For Beginners!

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