Don’t Pay More For Assassins: Resin Alternatives to GW

By Barclay Montgomery | October 16th, 2019 | Categories: Counts As, Product Review, Videos, Wargame Exclusive

Don't Pay More For Imperial Assassins Resin Alternatives to GWArmies of the Imperium will be recruiting assassins to deal with Space Marines. Check out some affordable models that look great from Wargame Exclusive.

All the Wargame Exclusive Assassins models are here at the same time in the cat command center. Don’t worry though, these models are meant for the tabletop to take out enemy leaders.

Imperial Ploymorph Assassin $21.93

These models are fantastically sculpted. The Imperial Polymorph Assassin comes with a detail scenic base. Poised in a dynamic pose, this assassin is ready to kill. Equipped with a deadly sword, huge pigtails also bring this model together for a brilliant addition to your army. WarGame Exclusive Assassins

Imperial Sureshot Assassin $21.93

The Imperial Sureshot Assassin knows only one mission: one shot, one kill. This assassin prefers to take out her targets from afar with her huge sniper rifle. Her scenic base allows her to give a victory pose after taking out the enemy leader while phoning it in on her auspex communicator.

WarGame Exclusive Assassins

Imperial Blank Assassin $21.93

The stealthy Imperial Blank Assassin is giving off the Predator vibe. The respirator mask looks stunning with its skull imagery to instill fear in her targets. The gargoyle base really brings out the character in this psychic assassin. Grenades at the ready, this model looks great for a collection piece.

WarGame Exclusive Assassins

Imperial Destroyer Assassin $21.93

The Imperial Deadly Destroyer Assassin has an epic pose to reach it’s intended target. Armed to the teeth with a shoulder cannon and a pistol, the Destroyer Assassin has a tool for every job. The power claw on the Destroyer is the last thing your enemy leader will see!

WarGame Exclusive AssassinsIf you are looking for alternate assassin models for your Imperial Guard army,  Taking out the enemy leader can end a game real quick, so deploy these assassins for your next tabletop game. Be sure to check out Wargame Exclusive for your Assassinorium operatives today!

Models provided for promotion & review