Sisters of Battle Resin Alternatives to GW: Wargame Exclusive

By Barclay Montgomery | September 25th, 2019 | Categories: Sisters of Battle, Videos, Wargame Exclusive

WGE Sisters Unboxing

These sisters are ready for battle! 2019 is the year of the Sisters of Battle and Wargame Exclusive has them in stock now. Take a look at these minis!

Wargame Exclusive is bringing some Sisters to the table, in resin form! Under their Grim Skull miniatures line, these Sisters models look fantastically fanatical to the Emperor! These models are comparable to other Sisters models out there in the tabletop world.

WGE Sisters UnboxingTheir Sisters line of miniatures has bits and custom armor, so check out their website if you want your army to look a certain way.


Sister With Standard $16.62

Each model comes in a well-padded package. Baggies separate bits and different parts of the miniatures to keep it organized. Different poses are on each model, and the sergeant upgrades are amazing. The Sister With Standard looks especially zealous. The different weapon load-outs add even more customization of your Sisters.

WGE Sisters Unboxing

Sister Superia $14.40

The ornate baroque armor on each model looks gothic and great. Detail abounds on these models, especially the Sister Superia. A resin sculpted base is fitting for the leader of the squad and the incredible detail is noticeable. These miniatures are very affordable for the quality that you get.

WGE Sisters Unboxing

Sister With Heavy Melting Gun  $11.08

Special weapon Sisters are also available to burn down the competition. The Sister With Melting Cannon is a single model offered at Wargame Exclusive. The goggles and respirator on the Melting Gun Sister really keep the burning zeal of the Sisters.  WGE Sisters Unboxing

If you are thinking of starting your own Sisters of Battle army, consider Wargame Exclusive for some fantastic models. Their Sister line of miniatures looks great and the resin really shows off their detail.

Grab some Sisters for your army today!