Tau Greater Good Resin Alternatives to Forge World

WGE Tau Unboxing

Get some upgrades for your Tau character with Wargame Exclusive. Fantastic alternate miniatures can be yours for a great price outside of Forge World.

Reinforcements for the Tau faction have just arrived from Wargame Exclusive. The Greater Good faction looks fantastic as a stand-in for Tau armies across tabletops everywhere. Their line up of alternate and stand-in miniatures look fantastic and at an affordable price. The Greater Good is ready to hit the table in your army!

WGE Tau Unboxing

Darkstriker $16.70

The Darkstriker miniature is an amazing addition to the Greater Good line up. In a dynamic pose, Darkstriker is jumping over a low wall in his custom base. His rifle is at the ready with a scope for long-range fights. With these resin miniatures, makes sure to wash off any additional flash and molding from your miniature.

WGE Tau Unboxing

Chaser $14.47

The Chaser is the sniper extraordinaire for the Greater Good. Equipped with a long rifle and a scout drone, the Chaser will be picking off targets for destruction. A custom camo cloak will keep her safe from return fire as she gets into position for her next targets. 
WGE Tau Unboxing

Marksman Stalker Team $33.42

For a more upgraded version of a Stealth Suit team, the Stalker team is ready to infiltrate. The armor is fantastically done with viewfinders and scopes galore. Their fusion guns look great with their energy backpack connected to their armored helm.

WGE Tau Unboxing

The Tau are definitely getting some reinforcements from the Greater Good faction at Wargame Exclusive. If you are looking to upgrade your army with some fantastically sculpted miniatures at affordable prices, look no further than Wargame Exclusive.

Models provided for promotion & review