5 Wargame Exclusive Miniatures We See Played The Most

By Wesley Floyd | April 13th, 2021 | Categories: Top 10, Wargame Exclusive

EMPEROR SISTER ABBESS wargame exclusiveCurious about which Wargame Exclusive miniatures are the most popular? well here are the ones we see most often on tabletops!

Wargame Exclusive does a lot with resin sculpts. But in particular, they have the character department on lock.  Here are some of our most-spotted minis from Wargame Exclusive that has led the charge this year!

Top Wargame Exclusive Miniatures We See Played The Most

Imperial Death Lord


IMPERIAL-DEATH-LORD-001The Imperial Death Lord is a sweet model we saw a lot of in previous recent tournaments. Being a great model for Mephiston, even in Primaris-mode, this model is super dynamic and even comes with a detailed base.

Imperial Blood Smash Captain

IMPERIAL-BLOOD-SMASH-CAPTAIN-2-001We all know Smash Captains have made the Space Marine meta what it was. Especially for Blood Angels. They help keep the games honest. With that said, you probably won’t find a more dynamic kit than the Imperial Blood Smash Captain. He’s even got the wings on his backpack to make a great model option for the Angel’s Wing relic.

Iron Commissar

wargame iron commissarNo Regiment is complete without someone standing behind the soldiers in an officer’s cap. The Iron Commissar is an incredible model to throw into the ranks of your Guardsmen in 40k as a Commissar alternate mini. He’s even got a sick scenic base standing on the chest of a dude from the losing side.

Vindilorian Assassin

wargame vindilorianBelieve it or not, we’ve seen the Vindilorian Assassin used as a Vindicare in more games than we can count. On cosmetics alone, what’s not to love about this character model? This is the way.

Sister Abess

wargame sister abbessSister Abess is a model that you could throw right into your Sisters of Battle and people would think you just made the coolest conversion in Sororitas history. She’s loaded with detail and a great model to lead some girls into the hail of gunfire for your next game!

We’ve barely scratched the surface on all the miniatures Wargame Exclusive has to offer. Be sure to look through their entire listing to see if you can find the next project for your hobby table!

Browse Wargame Exclusive Here

Did any of your favorite Wargames models make this top 5 list? How many Wargame Exclusive minis do you have in your collection?

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