Live from WarGamesCon 2012!

By Rob Baer | June 22nd, 2012 | Categories: WarGamesCon 2012

Well we’re here on site at WarGamesCon 2012, and this venue is amazing!

The hall is HUGE, which is what you would expect in Texas anyways right?  Plus there is already ton going on here, even right now they are getting ready for the 40k Mirror Match, Team Tournament, and some of the Privateer Press events.

Check out the pictures I’ve snapped so far here at the event. More to come soon!
I’ll have the White Dwarf with a Preview of 6th Edition today as well, so look for a video review of that shortly!!! Sixth Edition Drops in one week! Woooohooooo

 Judges Area / Registration

 Couple of Pan-o’s of the Hall its about a 270 degree shot of the hall from the corner of the Spikey Bits Booth.

 Shots of the hall from the Judges Booth

 Awesome Jawaballs? Banner of the Hawgs of War! I think these guys are the Huntsville Alabama crew?

 And last but not least 400 Square feet of SPIKEY BITS!!!