10 Best Games Workshop Warhammer Models

Top-miniatures-games-workshop-all-time-bestCheck out the ten best Games Workshop Warhammer models from the past decade or so; did some of your favorite miniatures make the list?

Here are our picks for the most popular and best-looking models we’ve seen trickle down from Games Workshop onto miniatures shelves and gaming tables over the years. We hope some of your favorite models might have made the list, too! However, be sure to let us know in the comments which models you would have liked to see here and why!

Best Games Workshop Warhammer Models & Miniatures

10. Leviathan Dreadnought

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Leviathan Siege Dreadnought with Drill & Claw WeaponsThis actually saw a rework in 2022, and it’s now in plastic! While the old model was awesome, it was super expensive and harder to build. With the upgrade to plastic, you know it had to make the list!

9. Archaon, The Fantasy Killer

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We all have Archaon to thank for killing off Warhammer Fantasy. Plus, with the favor of all the Chaos gods, he’s basically Abaddon in Age of Sigmar. Riding a Daemon mount and being able to pull from the powers of all the forces of Chaos, his model is one you always hate to see placed on the table.

8. Greater Daemons of Chaos

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Daemon Princes

Daemon Princes 2


This is a big list, but from the Keeper of Secrets to Bloodthirsters, Great Unclean Ones, and Lords of Change, the Greater Daemon models are on the same level of detail as Knights and Primarchs. Do you have a particular favorite out of these four?

7. Roboute Guilliman & Abaddon the Despoiler

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link


Abaddon best miniaturesSpeaking of Guilliman, he’s holding it down for the Imperium right now, while his other brothers (good ones) are nowhere to be found. Gilded in gold and the classic Ultramarine blue, he’s an icon of hope for humanity (and a bunch of Space Marine lists). Abaddon really ate his Chaos Wheaties because his new model, compared to the old one, is wayyy scaled up. He’s actually about the same size as Guilliman now, so it must be all the dark forces boosting his size…

6. New Avatar of Khaine

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Best Games workshop Miniatures 4Wow, this model received one of the coolest reworks we’ve ever seen! It definitely kept Xenos in the race for best miniatures and is just such an insane mini. If you play Eldar, you basically have to have this model just for how cool it is.

5. Warlord Titan

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: Warhammer Webstore Store Link.

legio titanicus titan manipleThe Warlord Titan is another monster on the tabletop. While you’ll never see it in the standard 2,000-pt games, this is another model that stands as a jaw-dropper for 30k/40k fans across the globe. Being the size of a small child, this “mini” can be thrown countless hours at and turn heads on the table.

4. Daemon Primarchs- Mortarion, Angron & Magnus

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Best Games workshop Miniatures 11“The Brothers” list has been hugely popular in the meta. And in the realm of big models like Knights, Magnus, and Mortarion have been decked out with incredible amounts of detail. Not only are these two characters good, but they make amazing centerpieces as well.

In 2023, Angron also got an amazing model and expanded the line of Primarchs in a much more deadly way!

3. Imperial/Chaos Knights

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Chaos KnightsKnights on the tabletop have never been more popular in Warhammer. While Chaos Knight kits are essentially brand new, the Imperial Knights have a few years on them. However, looking back, the Knight chassis is also probably one of the most converted models out there that lets hobbyists express their creativity!

Plus, the new Chaos Knights are really cool, and in 2022, they finally grabbed new sculpts to help them battle the forces of the Imperium

2. Primaris Characters

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link

Best Games workshop Miniatures 5


Best Games workshop Miniatures 6A lot of the Primaris reworks brought a ton of life to some characters who really needed it! Especially since they all have so much lore now, it’s nice to see the models get a big rework and look great.

1. Reworked Primarchs

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: Warhammer Webstore Store Link

Horus Ascended 2

Even though the Horus Ascended hasn’t come out yet, it’s one of the coolest minis we’ve seen, but it’s just the tip of the reworked Primarchs!


Best Games workshop Miniatures 10



Best Games workshop Miniatures 3All the Primarchs are really cool for Horus Heresy, but there are still plenty more to get new minis from Forge World in the future! Either way, they are just so iconic and cool!

Honorable Mentions (Xenos):

Best Games workshop Miniatures 7This model is really, really hard to build; otherwise, it probably would have taken a top spot. Either way, it’s really just a cool model in general to see hit the tables.

Best Games workshop Miniatures 8This model really captures what Orks are all about and looks great!

Best Games workshop Miniatures 9Last but not least, the reworked Incubi are just amazing looking and a big upgrade from the old metal ones!

In conclusion, Games Workshop has produced many amazing Warhammer models over the past decade or so, and our top 10 list includes some of the most popular and best-looking ones that have graced the tabletops.

Click Here to See GW’s Best Miniatures for the Last 40 Years! 

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