10 Most Inspiring Model Kits GW Has Ever Made

Horus HeresyThese are 10 of the most inspiring model kits GW has ever made that have also helped get new people into the hobby!

Imagine back to before you got into the hobby, you walk by a store and see an amazing kit sitting in the window. That single mini or set caught your eye and forced you to take that first step into the hobby. For most of us, that’s how it happened. You saw one set so stellar, and you had no option but to buy it!

It’s obvious GW makes the kits so amazing for this very fact. Even if you’ve been in the hobby for a long time, sometimes you see a kit so amazing you have no option but to buy it. Whether you play the faction or not. Enough of this talking though, let’s get into some of the most inspiring kits.

10 Most Inspiring Model Kits GW Has Ever Made

Just to note, these are just our favorites, so if we miss your favorite, let us know what it is! Also, not everything is going to be a physical mini, but just something that really swung people into the hobby. You can follow the links in the headers if you want to pick up any of the minis yourself. Unfortunately, they aren’t all still available.

Archaon Everchosen:

archaonLet’s be honest, when you see a giant Chaos Lord sitting atop a dragon, if you have any love for fantasy, this is going to draw you in! This soars above most other minis and when a new person sees this, how could they not want to get into the hobby?

Leviathan Dreadnought:


Levian DreadnoughtWhile most Forge World minis are awesome, there’s just something about this dread that draws you in. Something about a giant walking Dreadnought gives such an amazing feel for the Grimdark future. When most people have thoughts about future warfare, something like this springs to mind, and GW made it a reality!

Chaplain on Bike

Primaris chaplain on bike blackWe have to say, Space Marines get so many people into the hobby! That’s just the simple truth, but when GW makes amazing kits like this, it’s hard to argue with the marketing! What’s cooler than a regular Space Marine, one riding a bike with a skull helmet on!

Lord Kroak:

Lord KroakThe upcoming Kroak mini is really impressive, and seeing a mummified giant frog-like creature would definitely catch a new player’s attention!

Buy one get one Free! Choose from hundreds of minis now!

Warlord Titan (40k Scale):

Warlord titanNot much is cooler than a giant robot that comes up to your waist and is just loaded with guns. There’s really not much to say about this, other than if this didn’t get your blood flowing for the hobby, not much will!

Thunderhawk (2017):

ThunderhawkAnother example of size does matter! When you walk into a GW store and see an amazingly painted Thunderhawk, man it’s hard not to fall in love. It has enough elements of Grimdark and sci-fi to really draw in new players.


New Be'lakor 40kThe revamp of this mini is just awesome! When you walk into a store and see a giant winged daemon with all the skulls and ornaments, it will draw you in. The level of detail and the painting challenge on this one will be fun for both new and experienced players alike.

Necromunda Dark Uprising:

Necromunda: Dark UprisingSeeing all the tiles, terrain, and minis laid out, this just really strikes the figure of a really fun game. When this kit came out, it was just something really awesome and inspired a ton of people to get into Necromunda.

Frostlord on Thundertusk:

Frostlord on ThundertuskWe may be biased here, but we just love this mini! It’s hard to get cooler than a giant Ogor riding an even bigger monster! This just screams everything amazing and fantasy.

The Emperor Imagery: 

horus emperor wal horWhen you see everything surrounding the Emperor, it just draws you in. From all the artwork to the lore to just how it sets up the entire universe. When you see all the pictures of him facing Horus, conquering worlds, or just looking awesome, you can’t help but be drawn in by it.

While it’s not quite a model kit, it’s still one of the most inspiring parts of Warhammer 40k.

Do you agree with our list? What’s the kit that got you inspired to play and hobby?

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