10 Must Have Games Workshop’s Minis for 2016!

By James Rodriguez | February 14th, 2017 | Categories: Top 10, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

hor of space marine and chaos

2016 was a great year for Warhammer! Today we’re going to be taking a look at Games Workshop’s Top 10 minis of 2016. Will the top 3 come as a shock?

Games Workshop:

10. Stardrake

Best 2016 10 Stardrake

The Stardrake arrived in March to battle last year’s White Dwarf Miniature of the Year, Archaon. ‘So much choice! I really like the Star Drake though!’ says Dan Bar on the White Dwarf Facebook page.

9. Corvus Blackstar

Best 2016 9 CorvusBlackstar

Vehicle kits are popular with a lot of you (there’s another to come later in our list) and the Corvus Blackstar was a very popular choice. ‘Arguably centerpiece of the Deathwatch Codex,’ says Nicolas Piercy.

8. Khârn the Betrayer

Best 2016 8 KharnTheBetrayer

Khârn the Betrayer got a new plastic miniature in 2016, a dynamic update of the original. “Khârn!” came the chorus of bellowed, monosyllabic votes.

7. Munitorum Armoured Containers

Best 2016 7 MunitorumContainers

‘Armoured containers as it’s a break from the norm it’s scenery and not just a single miniature from just one army,’ says David Heward about the Munitorum Armoured Containers over on the White Dwarf Facebook page. Honourable mention to the Lake-town House, another hugely popular terrain kit.

6. Drycha Hamadreth

Best 2016 6 Drycha

One of two Sylvaneth models to make the top ten (whatever could the other be?), the number 6 position goes to Drycha, and we’re giving honourable mentions to the rest of the new Sylvaneth models, which also received votes.

5. Ogroid Thaumaturge

Best 2016 5 OgroidThaumaturge

First released as part of the Warhammer Quest Silver Tower game, the Ogroid Thaumaturge was recently released on its own, but it is a 2016 release and makes the top five! ‘The Ogroid Thaumaturge is incredible…’ says Bryan Bowers. ‘Definitely my choice for best mini of the year. Such a menacing pose, and wonderfully detailed.’

4. Genestealer Cult Goliath

Best 2016 4 Goliath

Notably, the first vehicle based on a ‘civilian’ design Games Workshop has ever produced, the Goliath was an instant hit. We didn’t split the votes between the two, but it seems like the Rockgrinder is your favourite. ‘Goliath or Blackstar, just because they are new vehicle frames,’ says treadhead Lillian Ross.

Now for the TOP 3!


3. Ironjawz Orruk Megaboss

Best 2016 3 OrrukMegaboss

The top pick of several of the White Dwarf team, the Megaboss also seems to have been a particular hit with painters – we’ve seen them cropping up at Golden Demon events and filling our inbox throughout the year. ‘Megabooosssss!!! ‘Cause choppa you down!’ says Jukka Rautaoja in suitably blunt fashion.

2. Alarielle the Everqueen

Best 2016 2 AlarielleTheEverqueen

Alarielle appeared in almost everybody’s list. Half of you are probably stunned she didn’t win!

‘Alarielle, hands down. Hopefully 2017 will have more love for the Elves,’ says Tom Smith. Who knows, Tom, who knows? Alarielle is just a stunning kit, instantly iconic with an appearance no one was expecting. What on earth could have beaten such a wonderful model to first place?



1. Magnus the Red

Best 2016 1 MagnusTheRed

Best 2016 1 MagnusTheRed Details

Getting more than 30% more votes than any other model, of course, it’s the Primarch of the Thousand Sons, Magnus the Red himself, the first Daemon Primarch ever released for Warhammer 40,000, the first Primarch produced in plastic and a gigantic, awe-inspiring kit.

With the amount of detail put into Magnus the Red it’s no surprise he took home the trophy for top mini of 2016. It truly was a battle for 1st with Alarielle, a lot of people are going to be shocked it wasn’t her to take home 1st. Are you?

Did your favorite mini make Games Workshop’s Top 10 list? If not who did you want to see up there? Let us know in the comments below!

Pro Tip: Stay Stealth


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