New 40k Tyranids Combat Patrol Value is Hot Fire: REVIEW

Here’s the new Tyranids Warhammer 40k Combat Patrol contents list, release date, rules, value, and pricing in our updated savings breakdown!

Updated November 20th, 2024, by Rob Baer with new information and links to relevant content.

These Combat Patrol boxes are a great choice for new players who are interested in exploring a particular faction. These sets are part of the Combat Patrol series, which were introduced by GW in 2019 after replacing the Start Collecting Boxes from 2016. Plus, they offer a quick and easy way to assemble a small army and jump straight into playing games. 

Contents List, Release Date, Pricing & Value

Combat Patrol Tyranids

Kick off your new army with Combat Patrol: Tyranids, a handpicked set of units perfect for building up to larger swarms. They’re also ideal for quick Combat Patrol games, with a Winged Tyranid Prime zipping around to take out key enemy units.

Meanwhile, 20 Termagants, five Barbgaunts, three Von Ryan’s Leapers, and a massive Psychophage march across the battlefield. And let’s not forget, you get two Ripper Swarms. Because, honestly, you can never have too many Ripper Swarms.

The release date of the Tyranids Combat Patrol is September 2nd, 2023. Here is a contents list of what comes in the new Warhammer 40k Tyranids Combat Patrol box:

  • 1x Winged Tyranid Prime
  • 20x Termagants
  • 5x Barbgaunts
  • 3x Von Ryan’s Leapers
  • 1x Psychophage

Tyranids 40k Combat Patrol Combat Patrol Review

Tyranids Combat Patrol 2

So, you’re eyeing that Combat Patrol box, huh? Good choice! These boxes are basically the VIP pass to starting a killer Warhammer 40k army. You get a solid mix of units – from the tough-as-nails troops to those snazzy specialist units.

It’s like assembling an all-star team right out of the gate, plus you can even play this box as is in smaller games of Warhammer 40k, aptly called “Combat Patrol.”

Models Unit Name Value
1 Winged Tyranid Prime  $42
20 Termagants $90 ($45 for 10)
5 Barbgaunts $45
3 Von Ryan’s Leapers $52
1 Psychophage $60
Tyranids Combat Patrol
  Total MSRP:  $289
  Savings Versus Box Price: $121

Combat Patrol Warhammer 40k Comparisons

Check out how the new combat patrol stacks up against other bundle box releases, including the new Adepta Sororitas Combat Patrol box from 2024.

Box Set Name Price Qty of Minis Value
Deathwing Assault $220 22 $124
Tyranids $168 32 $121
New Adepta Sororitas Combat Patrol $168 26 $59
Dread Talons Battleforce $230 35 $140
Stompa Boyz Battleforce $210 23 $166

Combat Patrol Pricing By Country

Country Price
United States $168
Canada CAD$200
United Kingdom £100 
Europe €130

Is it Worth It?

40k Tyranids Neurotyrant RulesIn short, yes! The box has a ton of value, and even if you have some of the models, you save so much with this set. It’s obviously more focused on the smaller models in the range, but who doesn’t want a giant horde of miniatures running around on the table? If you’re playing Crusher Stampede, it’s not as worth it, but for every other detachment, this is totally worth the pickup.

You basically get the Psychophage and Leapers for free, so if you want some Nids, this may be the way to go (especially if you didn’t split the Leviathan box with someone!)

How Many Points is it?

So, you’re wondering how many points the Tyranids Combat Patrol box racks up, eh? Well, in Warhammer 40k 10th edition, this box hits with about 400 points. But, as you know, the tides of the Grimdark universe are ever-shifting, and with the latest points updates, that number could quickly fluctuate.

One minute, you’re ready to grab all the biomass, and the next, you’re recalculating your list because the points gods have decided to have some fun.

Tyranids Combat Patrol List Price: $168 CAD$200 £100 €130 

Snag your new combat patrol from our handpicked list of models, and give us a high-five in support! Every qualifying purchase helps Spikey Bits keep the lights on and the fun going.

Quick Order Links: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming| Element Games (UK) | Noble Knight GameseBay| or | Games Workshop’s Store

Tyranids Combat Patrol

  • Base Size: Varies
  • Height: Varies
  • Alignment: Xenos
  • Faction: Tyranids
  • Role: Troops, Elites, HQ
  • Material: Plastic
  • Number of Minis: 32
  • Release Year: 2023

Buy The Tyranids Combat Patrol

Tyranids Combat Patrol Contents & Description

tyranids new 40kThis is ideal for quick Combat Patrol games, with a Winged Tyranid Prime zipping around to take out key enemy units. Meanwhile, 20 Termagants, five Barbgaunts, three Von Ryan’s Leapers, and a massive Psychophage march across the battlefield. And let’s not forget, you get two Ripper Swarms. Because, honestly, you can never have too many Ripper Swarms.

Games Workshop - Warhammer 40K TYRANIDS Combat Patrol: TABLETOP GAME, Miniature Wargame, Age 14+, Teen, Adult
  • Warhammer 40K - TYRANIDS Combat Patrol
  • Product type: TABLETOP GAME
  • Brand: Games Workshop

Last update on 2025-03-03 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Winged Tyranid Prime

Winged Tyranid Prime 1

Tyranid Primes are the top dogs of the Tyranid Warrior strain, combining sharp intellect with powerful synaptic abilities. Some even have wings, giving them the speed and agility to deliver the Hive Mind’s orders swiftly. These winged Tyranid Primes dive into battle to fill gaps in the synaptic web or target vulnerable foes, ripping and tearing until all that’s left are bodies and fleeing enemies.



Termagants are scuttling predators that swarm their enemies in massive numbers, armed with living weapons that fire flesh-eating organisms and venomous spines. Initially created to patrol the tight passages of hive ships and hunt intruders, they now hound their prey with relentless firepower, always aiming to outflank and surround their victims while chipping away at their ranks.



Barbgaunts are basically living weapons, controlled by a pulsating ganglio-parasite that rides them into battle. Once there, they fire off volleys of chitinous barbs, which explode with the power of violent muscle spasms, showering nearby enemies with jagged projectiles.

Von Ryan’s Leapers

Von Ryan’s Leapers feature

Von Ryan’s Leapers are fast and agile Tyranid bioforms, masters of stealth and ambush, especially deadly in dense terrain. These cunning hunters lie in wait like living mines positioned to inflict maximum damage. When the moment is right, they spring into action, unleashing a murderous frenzy on their unsuspecting prey.


Psychophage 1

A Psychophage charges into battle at terrifying speeds, devouring any prey in its path, but it has a special taste for those with psychic abilities. How it processes these powers is a mystery, but doing so lets it unleash bursts of psychocorrosive ash that obliterate the minds and souls of its victims.

New Tyranids Combat Patrol Rules

As you’d expect from a Combat Patrol built for close combat mayhem, the Vardenghast Swarm comes loaded with rules to help you blitz across the battlefield. The Nids may be all about swarming the enemy down, but they’re still Tyranids at heart, rocking the same Synapse army rule as before.

What sets them apart this time are new Enhancements, secondary objectives, and Stratagems that sharpen their melee game even more. You can get all the new Tyranids Combat Patrol rules right here.

Secretion Goad Rule

Tyranids Combat Patrol Rules

By giving its chest implant a good throb, this creature sets off a chain reaction that cranks up the acidity in the venom of nearby warrior bugs. The result? Armor and flesh alike start sizzling and melting in no time.

Once per turn, when a friendly Tyranids unit within 6 inches is ready to shoot or fight, this ability kicks in. For the rest of the phase, all the weapons in that unit get an extra punch by boosting their Armour Penetration by 1. Talk about turning up the heat!


Tyranids Combat Patrol Rules 2

With lightning-fast reflexes and muscle twitches that would make a gymnast jealous, these warrior organisms can duck and weave through enemy attacks like pros. For the rest of the phase, every time your unit gets targeted, the enemy’s aim takes a hit – literally – by making them subtract one from their Hit rolls. Not bad for a little fancy footwork!

What to Buy Next?

new LictorWell, as we said, this is more focused around a horde-style army, so you could easily keep adding on more Termagants with special weapons, some Genestealers, and maybe a Lictor or two. That would give you a pretty solid army, but you will still need a little more Synapsye.

With the Winged Prime, you could easily pick up some Warriors and a little bit more heavy-fire support. They also have a ton of new minis out right now, so you could easily pick up a bunch of the new stuff and just build an army around what models you like.

There is also something to be said about just buying the minis you think are cool and building an army around them! Don’t forget to grab the new rules for this faction and brush up on how to play them. We’ve got you covered in this article!

The Tyranids Combat Patrol still offers a great way for new players to start building their armies and explore the faction.

Click Here For All The 40k Combat Patrol Pricing & Values

What do you think of the new Tyranids Combat Patrol, pricing, value, rules, contents list, and release date?