16 New GW Releases & Prices CONFIRMED

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16 new Games Workshop pre-orders have been spotted with pricing. Come see latest GW product releases for the Idoneth Deepkin, Necromunda, and much more!

Multiple retailers have confirmed the new pre-orders and prices. Let’s take a look at what’s coming up from pre-order this weekend.

White Dwarf May 2018 $9


Isharann Soulrender $25

Idoneth Deepkin Ishrann Soulrender

Isharann Soulscryer $25

Idoneth Deepkin Ishrann Soul Scryer

Isharann Tidecaster $25

Idoneth Deepkin Ishrann Tidecaster

Blood Bowl Doom Lords $35

Blood Bowl DoomLordsTeam

Spike! Journal: Chaos Chosen $12.50

Blood Bowl Spike Mag

Blood Bowl Chaos Chosen Dice $12.50

Doom Lords Dice

Blood Bowl Chaos Renegades Dice $12.50


Blood Bowl Underworld Denizens Dice $12.50


Chaos Chosen Team Card Pack $25


Skaven Team Cards $25


Star Players Card Deck $25


Gang War 3 $30

Necromunda Gang War 3

House Van Saar Gang $40

Necromunda Van Saar Gang

House Van Saar Gang Cards $15

Van Saar Cards

House Van Saar Gang Dice $12.50

Van Saar Dice

The Voice of Mars (HB) $27

The Voice of Mars HB

Book 2 in the Iron Hands Series

Charged with unlocking mysterious Aeldari devices, Iron Father Kristos of the Iron Hands soon realises the xenos are not alone in their attempts to thwart his duty…

It’s the follow-up to ‘The Eye of Medusa’ and sees the Iron Hands divided as power and mysterious influences work their corrupting magic upon the Chapter.

For ten thousand years, the Voice of Mars has been a secretive, but powerful position upon the Iron Council. Yet its ambitions, first seeded during the Horus Heresy, are only now beginning to mature. Iron Father Kristos is charged with unlocking the mysterious Eldar devices known collectively as the ‘Dawnbreak Technologies.’ Before he can recover the first element from Fabris Calivant, the Eldar orchestrate a vicious greenskin invasion which descends upon the Knight World. Kristos soon realises the xenos are not alone in their attempts to thwart his duty. His own brothers also seek to possess the formidable powers for their own ends. In a mission that pitches Clan against Clan, Iron Hand against Iron Hand, to what lengths will the Iron Father go to secure victory?

Written by David Guymer

So we’re getting a ton of new releases this week! We’re seeing the releases continue for the Idoneth Deepkin, Necromunda is getting the new Gang War 3 and House Van Saar gang, Blood Bowl is getting the new Doom Lords team and Spike! Journal magazine, and game aids for everyone! In addition, we’re also seeing a new Black Library release coming our way for all of the lore fans out there.

Make sure you check back in with us later this week for the description of all of these new items and links to where you can pre-order yours.

What do you think about this week’s new releases? Are you looking forward to anything in particular?


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