16 Pics Left To Identify: Rumor Engine Latest

gw store rumor engineCan you make the ID on the outstanding 12 rumor engine pics? Today we’re going to break down what we’ve seen and what is still a mystery.

Games Workshop has consistently put out a teaser image every week know as the rumor engine.

Some of the images are still a mystery as to what they belong to, or a part of, but there’s a lot of pictures that we can now identify. Games Workshop: Salisbury created an image breaking down all the rumor engine pictures over the last couple months, showing us exactly what they belong to, and what has still yet to be identified.

Rumor Engine

Let’s take a closer look at the unresolved pictures and see if you can’t help us identify them. There might be something in recent announcements that may just spark an idea of what these could be? Starting oldest to newest, let’s take a look.


Do the Dark Elf Shadowkin approach, or is this just a druchii trick?

Rumor Engine 4-19

That looks like a rat tail if you ask us, and we have seen some Skaven rumors lately.

Rumour Engine May 17

A lion head? Are we going to be seeing the return of The Dark Angel, Lion El’ Jonson? Or is it the old White Lions for the High Elves?

Rumour Engine May 24

This is probably one of the most difficult Rumor Engine pics we’ve seen so far. Maybe a tire or tank track of some sort? That looks like a rim on the right side.

June 21 Rumour Engine

This could be a number of things… Husks, pincers, a shoulder pad, or even something Nurgle related…

June 28 Rumour Engine

Is that a lion head with an Aquila in it’s mouth, or is that something related to the Stormcasts for Sigmar ? Possibly part of a chest plate?


Rumour Engine Aug 23

This looks to be a double barrel gun of some sort. Possibly belonging to the Dwarves or maybe something more manly? Necromunda perhaps?


This picture looks to be a cluster of boils, possibly something Nurgle, or maybe something… aquatic?

Rumour Engine Sep9

This looks to be a the tip of a wing of some sort. Or possibly the top of a new weapon?


This picture is a feather, but doesn’t give many clues as to who or what it could belong to. Except what looks to be a purity seal behind it at the bottom…

Rumour Engine

Last week was a mechanical hatch that we thought was Dwarven, and this week is looking like it has a Dwarven feel also. What could it be though?

Rumour Engine 15th Mar

Something tore apart what appears to be a window, or wall section. Possibly new terrain?


This week’s picture looks like a weapon of some sort, but who does it belong to? Could it be from the new Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire expansion? It looks like it could belong to the man in the mirror at the bottom left, or maybe to some Shadowkin?



Well, it’s obviously an eagle. But who could it belong to? Or, better question, what mini is a part of?

Oct3 Rumour Engine

This looks like some kind of powered canister with a handle. But who carries it? Better yet, what’s inside?

Rumour Engine Oct 10

This looks like a weapon of some sort, but it’s got a very decorative so maybe Eldar or Imperium. Is that a heart shape in the bottom design perhaps Stormcast? Who could it belong to?

There is still so much to be discovered. These unidentified images look to be all over the place, and not geared towards any one specific faction. is anything new coming to mind when you take a second look at these? Is new Dark Elves, Shadowkin, Dwarves, and Death Guard still a possibility?

What do you think these could be? Let us know in the comments below.

cartoon ear whisper rumor

Rumor Engine Picture Latest