2 Better Alternatives To Fielding Guilliman in 40k

By Wesley Floyd | July 17th, 2018 | Categories: Tactics, Warhammer 40k News

bright marine ultra

Ultramarines were lucky enough to get their Primarch and he is a bit of a monster. So what’s better to field? Gulliman himself? Or is there a better alternative?

You’ve probably seen the “competitive” Robbie G lists out there with Devastator or Razorback spam.  But let’s take a look at some cheaper alternatives.

Roboute Guilliman

robbie G 2 Better Alternatives To Fielding Guilliman in 40k

So why would we take Robbie G? He costs just a little bit more than a Land Raider and you get the best version of re-rolling failed hits and wounds. He gives you 3 additional command points, let’s you charge better and re-roll failed morale, and has a 3++ with coming back to life as icing on the cake.

The best part about all this is that he’s an absolute monster in combat and he has 9 wounds so he can’t be shot off the board like Daemon Primarchs.

What people are doing is bubble wrapping him with Devastators and Razorbacks and obliterating anything off the table. If something manages to get close, big daddy Papa Smurf should handle it.

Why would you think about substituting Robbie G? Maybe you’re in a tournament and can’t go over a certain Power level. Maybe you don’t want to take a Super Heavy Auxillary detachment.

The Alternative

ultramarine drawing

So instead of taking the Blueberry Lynchpin of Ultramar, you can run Marneus Calgar and a Lieutenant. You get all the failed to hit rolls and still get to re-roll wound rolls of 1. This is about 140 points cheaper. That’s almost enough points for a quad Lascannon Predator. You don’t get the damage output that Guilliman brings, but you still have very nice damage output with Marneus’s power fists.

Plus, Marneus still gives you 2 command points.


The Lieutenant is pretty self-explanatory. It’s a very cheap HQ that still gives a unique re-roll ability.

What do you think about this Ultramarines strategy? Have you tried both of these to see which one performs better?

Let us know in the comments on our Facebook Hobby Group.

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