2 Exclusive New GW Miniatures Hitting MTO This Week!

warhammer exclusives wal new releases pre orderIf you want either of these two exclusive GW miniatures, be sure to hop on the MTO before they hit the secondary market!

The 40k mini was previously only slotted for the new GW tournaments, but because of the short tournament schedule this year, they are offering them through MTO as well. Just to note, the AoS mini is not the same one we previewed for the tournaments, she still seems to be exclusive to those.

So instead of a Chaos character, she is being replaced by a Stormcast in this instance.  Either way, if you want the minis, might as well MTO them and guarantee you get them.

2 Exclusive New GW Miniatures Hitting MTO This Week!

new figures for gw events 2

Lord Hasmoteph the Resplendent, meanwhile, is equipped with a resurrection orb and a staff of light, and you can use him to represent a Lord or even a mighty Overlord within your Necron dynasty of choice. He also has what we hope you’ll agree is a distinctly dapper diadem.

Necron Lord Hasmoteph the Resplendent is going to fill the slot for 40k. Necrons have grabbed a lot of exclusives this year, so might as well pick up another one. The sculpt isn’t anything too special, but having exclusive minis is always a plus for any faction.

New Stormcast Exclusive miniArmed with the standard-issue Questor warblade and his own celestial hammer, Knight-Questor Dacian Anvil is tasked with recovering long-lost relics of the God-King’s faith. Those who would impede this holy task are bludgeoned or carved apart as Anvil recites battle psalms and oaths of vengeance.

While they’ve received a ton of minis, it looks like you’ll be able to get even more for them soon.

MTO Period

MTO minisThere’s no pre-order period for these heroes, and the purchase window will slam shut at 6pm (BST) on Sunday 1st August. What’s more, as they’re being Made to Order, we won’t run out of stock, so everyone who wants one should get one. Just remember, as with all Made to Order models, it can take longer for them to arrive.

This makes us wonder, if they can MTO basically whatever they want, why can’t they just put stuff on MTO to help out local stores instead of over-allocating them on releases?

Just something to think about. Anyway, if you want either of these minis, be sure to get them before they hit the secondary market.

Do you like the new minis? Will you be getting either of them on MTO?

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