2 Minis Down – Forge World’s Sold Out Update For Collectors

titan family class

Forge World just announced 2 of the new models are already sold out and they’re working to get them back in stock. Come check out which ones they are.

Take a look at what was just posted to Forge World Facebook.

sold out at forge world


Due to exceptionally high demand we’re working the Forge World servitors hard and production has gone into overdrive on The Mighty Zug and the Legio Custodes Contemptor-Galatus Dreadnought. This means that right now if you order either of these models, you might experience a delay of up to two weeks before they are dispatched. Rest assured, we will get those incredible models to you just as fast as we can.

Thanks for your patience.

THE MIGHTY ZUG £18 (Sold Out)

Availability: This product is being restocked. It will usually be despatched within 10 working days

Mighty Zug


Due to exceptionally high demand for The Mighty Zug it may take longer than normal for us to send him out to you. Currently it may take up to 2 weeks to despatch this product.

Gifted with not only hefty bulk, strength and power but the ability to use them properly, The Mighty Zug is an expert at incapacitating opponents with a single swipe of his gigantic paw. A firm favourite with the fans despite (or because of) his brutish, ugly and stupid demeanour, he’s the Star Player of choice for Blood Bowl coaches who just want to get the job done. Nothing fancy – just a trail of smashed faces leading to victory.

Mighty Zug

Add The Mighty Zug as a Star Player to any Human Blood Bowl team – not just the Reikland Reavers – with this resin kit. He can be built clutching the ball in his left arm, or modelled without; all the better for smashing faces in with a swipe of his enormous forearm. His rules, which mostly involve moving forward with the unstoppable grace of an angry continent, can be found as a Star Player card included with the Blood Bowl boxed game, and also in the supplement Death Zone Season 1. This resin kit comes in 7 components, with a 32mm round base and a 32mm round Blood Bowl base, featuring a slot for the ball.


Galatus Dreadnaught


Due to the incredibly high demand for the Legio Custodes Contemptor-Galatus Dreadnought it may take longer than normal for us to send it to you. Currently it may take up to 2 weeks to despatch this product.

Similar in aspect to the Contemptor Dreadnoughts of the Legiones Astartes, the Contemptor-Galatus is a markedly superior war machine. The unrivalled skills of the warrior entombed within its sarcophagus notwithstanding, the Contemptor-Galatus is stronger, faster and better armoured.

Galatus Dreadnaught

 Designed to provide an anchor for a Legio Custodes battleline, the Contemptor-Galatus is armed in similar fashion to the Custodes Sentinel Guard – wielding a huge Galatus Warblade with its inbuilt twin-linked infernus incinerator, and equipped with a vastly enlarged version of the Custodes Praesidium shield. Already able to withstand heavy assaults with its armour and refractor field, the Praesidium shield allows the Contemptor-Galatus stand nigh on impregnable, enduring the enemy onslaught and reaping a murderous toll with its immense power blade.

Galatus Dreadnaught

The Legio Custodes Contemptor-Galatus Dreadnought is a finely detailed model, heavily ornamented with the markings of the Imperium and icons of the Legio Custodes. The kit includes both weapon arms and four alternate feet to allow you to pose the Dreadnought in any number of ways.

Rules for using the Legio Custodes Contemptor-Galatus Dreadnought in Legio Custodes armies in Horus Heresy games can be found in the forthcoming book The Horus Heresy Book Seven: Inferno.

The Legio Custodes Contemptor-Galatus Dreadnought is a complete, multi-part resin kit. A 60mm round base is included.

Even though these Forge World minis are sold out you can still order them and they will be shipped as soon as they are back in stock. It turns out it takes a little longer for resin to dry than it does plastic.

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