If you love playing with a buddy, then this 40k Armies on Parade coverage from Adepticon 2016 will be right up your alley. Come see the armies!
Yo Dawg, we heard you like photos, so we added some photos to your blog Dawg. The 2016 Adepticon 40k Team tournament kicked off on Saturday and the showing was solid with plenty of themed armies to be seen.
A big shout out to Long War Veterans: Nick Mills, Display; Ken Summers, basing and pit crew; Marcus Baxley, Modeling Engineer; and Ian Dudek, painter. You guys are bringing back the hobby with this Amazing display and army.
Eric Marchnard, JF Dubeau, Philip Dubeau, and Dominic Carette made this awesome Grey Knight’s battling demons display.
Team Black Dog played by: Nick DuCharme, Chad Lindsey, Chris Morlan, and Dan Celletti. The display board was made and painted by their gaming community. We represented the place we play at, Black Dog Hobby and Game, in Loves Park, IL.
Forge World Columbia; Played by Jim Orr, Scott Sasser, Jeremy Volkmann, and Alex Fader from Columbia, Mo.
Jeff Campbell-Crawley (bone), Eric Gibbs (aqua) Eldar army. Display was built by all four members including Jeremy Tucker and Ryan Smith
If you’re the painter of one of these Armies and would like credit, please post in the comments below.
Don’t miss all of our Adepticon Coverage from over the weekend. We’ve got all the hot armies features, to Cosplay, swag vendors, and more below!