3 Meta Buster 40k Army Lists From the Dicehead GT

space marine wal hor tourneyDon’t miss these three 40k lists that rose against all the Space Marines at the Dicehead Major GT and managed to place near the top of the leaderboards!

Another 40k event tourney is under our belt. With the Dicehead 40k Major GT behind us, we can check out which armies withstood the heat from the current meta.

Thanks to Best Coast Pairings, we can look back at the event as if we were there ourselves.

dicehead walImportant: We’re not talking about the top 3 lists because they’re Iron Hands. And by now, you all know how the army works and there’s no real reason to keep breaking down the same lists over and over.

For that reason, we’ll be looking at some lists other than Space Marines that finished towards the top. 

7th Place: Stephen Cosgrove- Imperial Soup

knight cover hor wal


stephen cosgrove 1This list was ALL about firepower from range. With a Super Heavy Detachment rolling out three Knight Crusaders, these T8 monstrosities were able to hang back and unleash a serious amount of hate. And thanks to the Primaris two-wound meta, the avenger gatling cannons have never been more popular.

stephen cosgrove 2To help protect the Knights while maximizing the value of points left over, Stephen brought a Battalion of Guard. He spent a CP on the Vigillus Emperor’s Wrath formation and even had enough points to fit three Basilisks in. Combining the firepower from the Basilisks with the Knights this list had a punishing shooting phase.

Finally, to throw in a little side of disruption, a Callidus was brought in. With her dope first-turn ability to potentially make Stratagems cost more, she’s definitely worth her 95 pts.

5th Place: Nate Buehler- Grey Knights

Grey Knights Wal Hor


nate buehler 1Grey Knights are finally making a resurgence into the meta once again! Looking at this all-Grey Knights army that finished 5th place, this may be our first look at a dope competitive GK composition. Grey Knights look to be the only real army that is able to comfortably field things in terminator armor. As they technically don’t have access to Primaris yet, that’s their next best thing. And bringing a mix of Strike Squads and Terminators, the real heavy lifters of the list were the Paladins. Dropping as many points as a Knight on T4 bodies, this football team of psychic astartes hit the field with a huge target on their back. For that, he gave them the sanctuary psychic power for a bit more protection. Plus, with their built-in ability to deepstrike, he had a pretty good chance of getting use out of them for at least a turn before they were shot at.

nate buehler 2A Land Raider also hit the table and acted as an anti-tank platform rocking four lascannon shots. Plus, with Draigo standing closeby, Nate was able to maximize his value. And finally, some Purifiers and an Apothecary with the First to the Fray Warlord Trait was brought in. Even after the new Psychic Awakening book, First to the Fray is still the uncontested champ for Warlord Trait options…Allowing everyone within 6″ to reroll charges is just so much value. (especially off of deepstrike…looking at your Paladins).

3rd Place: Ryan Snyder- Adeptus Custodes

adeptus custodes new 8th edition warhammer 40k wal hor


ryan snyder 1Custodes rolled out a VERY low model count list with the parking lot strat. Bringing three Caladiuses, three Pallases, and an Ares, the average toughness of this list was decently high… And everything packed a major punch. Only two Shield Captains hit the field for rerolls: one on a jetbike and the other in termie armor. And for a little melee razzle-dazzle, a Contemptor Achilles with his lascannon spear also hit the table. His job may have been to make the most of his shooting and protect the gunline from anyone trying to get close.

Overall, these lists were definitely unique and proved that even in a meta so heavily influenced by Iron Hands, other army compositions can still win. Awesome job!

What’s your favorite list out of the ones covered above? Do you play one of these armies or have you made the switch to Iron Hands yourself? 

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