3 New Textured Camo Cloaks Arrive From Victoria Miniatures!

victoria miniatures cloaksMake painting camo easier with Victoria Miniatures awesome new textured cloaks, which are available in STLs and physical prints!

Looking for a way to make your army stand out? Victoria Miniatures has got you covered with their latest releases: textured cam cloaks. These popular bits are now available as digital downloads, making them perfect for those who want to add unique pieces to their Imperial Guard or human army!

Textured Camo Cloaks Have Arrived From Victoria Miniatures!

Textured Camo CloaksThere are three different versions for purchase, but since they are STLs and physical, we’ll put the price for both in there!

Militarum Camo Cloaks: STL $5.99 Physical $6.99

Textured Camo Cloaks 2With the built-in texture, you can easily get your camo on point without using any in-depth painting skills.

Textured Camo Cloaks 3

High quality 3D prints.

These cloaks have 3D camo texture detail. They are designed to work well with contrast, shade and speed paints.

These can be combined with Victoria Miniatures bits or retro fitted to classic plastic guardsmen.  While designed to fit an average heroic scale human, some modelling skill may be needed to add these to your miniatures.

Forest Camo Cloaks x5: STL $5.99 Physical $6.99

Textured Camo Cloaks 4When you’re in a heavily wooded world, you can’t go wrong with making your troopers look like the surrounding trees!

Textured Camo Cloaks 5

These cloaks have 3D camo texture detail. They are designed to work well with contrast, shade and speed paints.

These can be combined with Victoria Miniatures bits or retro fitted to classic plastic guardsmen.  While designed to fit an average heroic scale human, some modelling skill may be needed to add these to your miniatures.

Leopard Camo Cloaks x5: STL $5.99 Physical $6.99

Textured Camo Cloaks 6Last but not least, you can go with the Leopard print and really throw off the enemy.

Textured Camo Cloaks 7

These cloaks have 3D camo texture detail. They are designed to work well with contrast, shade and speed paints.

These can be combined with Victoria Miniatures bits or retro fitted to classic plastic guardsmen.  While designed to fit an average heroic scale human, some modelling skill may be needed to add these to your miniatures.

With three different camo patterns to choose from, you can give your troops a unique and eye-catching look that will make them stand out on the battlefield. So why wait? Click the link below to get your Textured Camo Cloaks and start hobbying today!

Click Here to Get Your Textured Camo Cloaks!