3 Tactics You Should Know For 40k Kill Team

By Wesley Floyd | August 23rd, 2018 | Categories: 40k Kill Team, Warhammer 40k News

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If you’re just getting into 40k Kill Team, or want to step up your game, don’t miss these 3 tactics you should know for battling it out now!

40k Kill Team is one of the hottest things out there right now since it’s release. I’ve managed to get quite a few games under my belt and wanted to share some tactics. Moving right along, Kill Team is a small-force skirmish game where two teams go against each other. They are highly trained and can be given just about any kind of wargear.

3 Tactics You Should Know For 40k Kill Team

So let’s talk about some good combos and things to keep in mind.


Catachan flamers

Flamers are fantastic weapons in Kill Team. It creates a massive threat bubble that your enemy will be forced to charge from out of LOS or not even charge at all. It’s D6 auto hits on overwatch and losing one model can cost you the game.

A neat little combo with a model with a flamer is to give him the demolitions special rule. It says if the unit you’re shooting at is obscured, you’re +1 to wound. That means your S4 flamer will be getting D6 auto hits and wounding on 3s and sometimes 2s. Think of this unit carrying a flamer as a bunker clearer. Have him run up to a building and torch the guys inside.

It gets even worse when you play as Guard. Guard can take multiple flamers on their guys and they’re cheap. A Guardsman carrying a S4 flamer is actually horrifying. You can almost take two for the price of one Space Marine flamer.

Firepower combos


If you are in a game where you’re defending or need to blast the enemy from far away, you can make a nasty weapons team to gun down people who step out from cover.

It’s a little expensive, but it works. Take a Comms guy with a Heavy unit. Let them sit together in a building and old an entire sector down. So what’s the combo?

The Heavy takes a Heavy Bolter. Since he has the Heavy special rule, he can ignore -1 to hit penalties from moving which is nice. You can also spend 1CP to give him an extra shot. Then, put a comms guy next to him and whenever your Heavy starts to shoot, let your Comms give him +1 to hit.

The end result is 4 shots at S5 -1AP usually hitting on 2s and 3s. You can devote all the firepower to one unit that you need gone, or split the shots if two enemy units are standing close enough to each other.

You can also do this with a Comms guy and a plasm-toting Sniper. The sniper rule lets him reroll 1’s and the comms gives him +1 to hit. You can let your plasma overcharge comfortably because he’ll be getting two shots in close range hitting on 2s and rerolling 1s. -3Ap and 2 flat damage can melt things in Kill Team.

To Charge or Not to Charge?

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A tough decision to make is whether you want to charge or not. Space Marines most melee unit is the Sergeant for the most part. The reason why is because he gets an extra attack and can take a close-combat weapon.

He’s a valuable unit that can get wiped of the map if you charge in the wrong way. Firstly, in Kill Team, your enemy can immediately move back 3″ instead of overwatching when you charge them. Making your charge that much more difficult. On top of that, you can’t fire your pistol after you charge.

If you are going to be charging your Sergeant into people, be careful because he can be an expensive unit that can die easily. You can give him a chainsword for an extra attack which is nice, or go for the AP route and give him a power sword. You can also give him a plasma pistol to chew through an armor save if you manage to stay locked in combat.

Just remember that charging can be extremely risky but it does have its payoffs. Try to avoid flamers and charge things out of LOS. Charging is also done in the movement phase.

You charge with a unit INSTEAD of moving so make sure the charge will actually be worth your while.

What do you think about the new Kill Team? What faction do you play? Have you made some cool combos for your squad? Let us know about them in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

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