3 Things GW Should Do Soon For Warhammer 40k

hor of space marine and chaos

Games Workshop has done a lot to give us exciting new minis and rules. But there’s still a lot of work that can be done for Warhammer 40k miniatures and Lore.

GW has been consistently pumping out new products lately. With a focus being on Primaris, there is a lot that still can be done for the game and it might be time-sensitive on their part. Here’s what we mean.

Primarisify All Characters At Once

raven guard primaris walWith Shrike, Marneus, and a few other Characters making it to Primaris, it’s no question that GW is combing through the named characters and bringing them up to speed. However, with 40k growing so quickly since the start of 8th edition, new players might be holding out on buying named characters like Dante, Mephiston, Azrael, etc. thinking that they don’t want to waste money on a character that’ll be updated soon.

With GW being a business, at the end of the day, they might have culled their own sales, as people would rather wait on an update and not buy obviously outdated models. Especially in the wake of characters turning Primaris. While it may be a big jump, GW shouldn’t drip feed the community with Primaris characters and instead bring a massive wave of Primaris versions to the shelves. That way they could focus on other things…

We Need Melee-Focused Primaris Units

blood angel primaris Winners & Losers: New FAQ LIVE 40k DiscussionSure, there are Aggressors with powerfists but that’s not the main reason you bring them. They’re slow and have rules that obviously make them more prone to shooting. That being said, Dark Angels have Hellblasters with their plasma but the Blood Angels/other melee-Chapters like Space Wolves don’t have any specific Primaris unit that are solely bent on Melee. Death Company and Sanguinary Guard are still operating on regular Marine bodies and there could be a multitude of players waiting to buy anything until they see the Primaris trend extend into more staple units.

Focus on Xenos

eldar wal jain zar 1As of right now, Psychic Awakening has been focusing on the Eldar. And so far, we’ve seen Banshees, Incubi, and a character have new models previewed. But in the grand scheme of things compared to the Marine support, the Xenos aren’t even showing up on the radar in terms of support. If you remember how Orktober went, for example, that ended up flopping harder than Nurgle jumping into a pool off of a diving board.

With the key thing separating 30k from 40k being Xenos races, it’s time they get the support they deserve. (And not just in the form of a few characters and old units moving from finecast to plastic).

What do you think about these things GW should do? Is there one that’s more important than the other?

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