3 Tricks to Stop Slowplayers on the Tabletop

By Mismatched Play | September 18th, 2018 | Categories: Editorials, Top 10, Warhammer 40k News

dice bag of superior sorting

There is a whole lot of talk about slow playing, things taking a lot more time with 8th edition. Come see our thoughts on 3 tricks to stop slow play.

The slow playing issue is an issue since forever in the tournament scene, usually something more along the lines of getting carried away in the game, not checking the time and there realizing there is only a minute left.

I have rarely seen anyone actively slow play or running down the time as a tactic.  But it happens, you’ve heard the stories.  Now these tricks

Here are 3 tricks you can use to speed up the game, without breaking a sweat.  Be sure to check the full article on the Mismatched Play for two more tricks to finish your game.

1- Ask politely, yet firmly to speed up the game, or pick up the pace.

POLITELY, YET FIRMLY.  Don’t make it a scene of biblical proportions, don’t take no for an answer either.  Are you playing Brad Chester or another mean looking guy?  Try this line: ” Hey, I really want us to finish the game, we will have to play a little faster.”

It’s a we situation, even if your turn is only taking 4 minutes every time and you can take a nap during your opponent’s turn.


2- Tell a judge early on.

I don’t mean cry, complain and have the judge babysit your game, but if an hour and a half of your time is gone and your opponent is still deploying or in his turn 1 movement phase, that little “not gonna finish” bell should be ringing.  Go to a judge or wait until one passes by and tell him straight up: ” This is not an issue now, but this game is going super slow, it’s turn 1 and I have yet to play more than X minutes.  I don’t want to run into a time issue later on”

Now, this alone will not make you or your opponent play faster, but it will, should it come to it, not be on you to explain at the end how you are on turn 2 after 3 hours.

imperial guard

3- Move his models, have him move yours.  

This is more of a playing hordes problem, but it can be helped. If those conscripts are moving 7″ place 2-3 models 7 away and tell your opponent to bunch up the 47 other models around them.  When you do this, be upfront with your opponent about your intent ” Put these conscripts there, 17″ away from your unit ”  or ” so that you can’t place models within 3″ of this objective”.

What do you think? Do you have any tips for dealing with slowplayers that have worked in the past for you?

You can check out the full article with more tips on slowplay over on Mismatched Play.

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