3 Warhammer 40k Models That Actually Work in 30k?

By James Rodriguez | April 19th, 2017 | Categories: Editorials, Horus Heresy, Warhammer 40k News

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Come check out the latest article from our very own JStove on three 40k models that do amazingly well in 30k. Let’s see what he has to say.


They’re not independent characters. They can’t be attached to squads. They’re not as obvious or as game-saving as attaching apothecaries for Feel No Pain, but they are cool models that are easy to get and have great options. Techmarines are one of the few models in 30k that can grab a Conversion Beamer, which at maximum range causes a S10 AP1 blast from across the table. With a 2+ armor save and the ability to hide him in cover, he’s a cheaper pick for this deadly weapon than a Contemptor or a Predator.

ba techmarine

The Techmarine is also one of the only models that can get rad grenades in any legion, and if he buys them, he can also buy servitors with missile launchers that can grab rad missiles for more points. A Death Guard techie can even grab cheap servitors with flamers, to abuse those sweet shredding chem munitions.

The Techmarine is an often overlooked option in 30k because without the ability to join his friends, he’s a sitting duck that is difficult to protect. But, if he hides in the backfield and snipes with his conversion beamer, your opponent will have to make a tough decision- Forego shooting bigger targets and waste too much heat on a small target that he’s likely to overkill, or ignore him and keep eating those S10 laser blasts.


Vanilla dreads are boring compared to Contemptors, Leviathans, and Deredos. They lack experimental heresy era weapons and don’t have an invulnerable save, and are stuck at a vulnerable armor 12 that can be glanced down by lucky S6 shots.

So what makes them viable? In addition to having the cheapest base cost and easily available models, the vanilla dread has access to some weapon configurations that can make him an unexpected sucker punch.


  • Vanilla dreads can buy frag launchers, and won’t immediately trip over rocks and strike at low initiative when assaulting into cover like contemptors will.
  • Vanilla mortis dreads have the same helical targeting array as the Contemptor Mortis, making him a viable anti-aircraft option to an otherwise expensive Forge World model.
  • Vanilla dreads can buy 5 point hunter killer missiles, which can be fired off all at once in a blaze of glory, thanks to walkers always being able to shoot all their toys. For just a handful of extra points, your Vanilla Dreads can have one big turn of shooting with firepower equal to or exceeding some contemptor loadouts.


Land Speeders suffer from the same problem as the Vanilla Dreadnought- They’re just not as awesome as their gunned-up 30k cousin, the Javelin. But check out the army photos from recent HH tournament events and you’ll see that the Land Speeder is sneaking into a few competitive lists.

So why does this little flying box that’s barely scraping along in 40k suddenly have a breath of fresh air in 30k? The answer is weapon options- Ten thousand years ago, you used to be able to bolt some serious heat unto a humble little land speeder, and people have taken notice.

Land Speeder

Land Speeders can be gunned up to go whole hog in 30k, with classic options like the multi-melta, and “old” options like Volkite, Graviton, and even a plasma cannon.

They can even grab those five point HKs like the vanilla dread, and they’re fast and deep strike. They’re still as fragile as they’ve ever been, but in 30k they have access to all the tools you could ever want to make them real tank hunters and harassers that have to be dealt with.

kool aid

Check out all the JStove originals!