3D Parts Imperial Knight Armiger Cool?

armiger matrix

Is 3D the future of bits for the hobby? Check out more accessories that are compatible with the Armiger Knight.

Great new upgrades for Armiger from Gadgets Plus on Showcase. Check out the cool new bits you can use to take your Armiger to the next level.

One of the first pieces we take a look at is the Armadillo Carapice. It snaps right in for a really cool look with a segmented armor look over the top.

Mini Knight – Armadillo Carapace $20.00

armadillo carapace

We also really like the Rotary Gun arms. They’ve got great detailing and it looks like these are printed from the inside out, so all the vertical lines are on the inside! There is a specific arm for both the right and left sides.

Mini Knight – Rotary Gun (Left side) $15.00

rotary gun

Mini Knight – Rotary Gun (Right side) $15.00

rotary gun

The Siege Saw is also really nifty and gives your Aimiger a really mean look and attitude.

Mini Knight –  Siege Saw $13.00

siege saw

The Rock Drill is really cool, and we think would pair very well with the armadillo carapace.

Mini Knight – Rock Drill $13.00

rock drill

Be sure to press play, like, and share our full unboxing video! Let us know what you think in the comments!

Parts provided by Gadgets plus for review