3D Printing – How it Will Change The Hobby?

By Inquisitor Seth | September 15th, 2015 | Categories: 3D Printing, 40k News & Articles, Editorials

skynet 3d printer

How will technology, the law, and corporations handle the changes 3D printing is bringing to our hobby? Checkout what one industry insider has to say!

An Honest, Insider’s Look Into What 3D Printing Offers and How It May Change Wargaming.

For the last three years I have found myself in the unique position of working for a Fine Art Department at a University alongside one of the world’s most famous fine artist jewelers currently using 3D printers to make his work.  While sitting in our shared studio, which at the time was equipped with a laser cutter, CNC, and one 3D printer, I would tinker while I overheard conversations between this artist and the publicist for a super famous Pop star regarding whether or not his art would be featured at the Mtv Music Awards.  That art in question was all 3D printed…

At the time my background was in traditional art, you know, those skills that require a paintbrush, ink, a roller, and not so much a computer.  As a professor I was drawn to the “Digi Fab Lab” at the time not because of the 3D printers, but for the lasers.  I wanted to cut sh@t (pardon my street mouth) with lasers!  I mean who the hell doesn’t?  Well over the course of the next three years I became an integral part in one of the biggest experiments in the U.S. regarding introducing 3D printers into an academic environment. I learned all about 3D printing, the companies, the techniques/technologies, how to model, and what exactly “3D Printing” is all about.  As an artist, a teacher and finally a miniature painter I learned everything I could given the time constraints before I walked away from a lab that was the first of the current industry model for 3D printing classrooms.    

Throughout this experience I have watched BOLS, Spikey Bits, numerous forums and several facebook groups speculate on what 3D printing will do for the miniature enthusiast, and more importantly the gaming companies.  I’ve watched several startups make thousands of dollars on Kickstarter by featuring their digital “sculpts” and promising that “3D printing” will soon offer their products to the willing contributor.  I’ve seen some of these start ups fizzle out (most likely because they don’t understand 3D printing, only 3D modeling), while others seem to be producing exciting results.  However, despite all of the hype and excitement I have yet to see an honest, real life, front line assessment of what exactly current 3D printing is and what it can offer the modeler.  

I’ve decided it’s time to start publishing some of my thoughts on what to expect as a  hobbyist from 3D printing over the next several years .  Rob has been so kind as to offer me that chance, and today I offer you my introduction to a multipart series of posts regarding the technology..

If you’re interested please watch for more content in the coming weeks..

Spoiler regarding my next post:

There is not a consumer product on the 3D printer market that can print a consistent, high quality, equivalent of a cast model and there won’t be for at least the next 3 years.  So, sit back, relax, chill, and read on to see how and why you should consider a 3D printer as an investment into your modelers tool box.  While you won’t be printing tanks to compete with Mark Bedford any time soon, there are many, many reasons why a 3D printer can help take your gaming experience to the next level.  If you’re interested, pay attention.  15 years in the world of Fine Arts, I talk straight about what’s in front of me, and as far as I can tell I’m the only hobbyist that is offering an experienced, on the ground assessment of what a 3D printer can offer to our hobby.

See you at my next update…  😉


About the Author: Inquisitor Seth