4 New Chaos Kits Coming Next Week In Wrath & Rapture

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Games Workshop’s newest preorder tease is here, and it features FOUR new kits in one box. Wrath and Rapture is coming next week!

GW is calling this new release a “must have” and that might be true since it’s compatible with both Warhammer 40k and Age of Sigmar. So, if you play both those games you’ve already doubled your value!

This boxed set features no fewer than four totally new kits, including a much anticipated (and magnificent) revamp of the Fiends of Slaanesh and Flesh Hounds of Khorne. Both these units have full, multipart sprues and are (for now) exclusive to Wrath and Rapture.

Slaanesh and Khorne are getting more support in the Wrath and Rapture box with new characters and updated models.



flesh hounds

Karanak & Herald of Slaanesh Spotted at Vigilus Open

Daemons have been the talk of the town after the first Wrath and Rapture previews the Vigilus Open shed even more light on what’s to come.

Along with the models that we’ve already seen previewed, two new models emerged and one is confirmed from a rumor!


Leading both forces, meanwhile, are two new Daemonic character models – Karanak, the notorious Hound of Vengeance and hunter of wizards, as well as the Infernal Enrapturess – a new kind of Slaaneshi herald who bolsters summoning and shreds enemy units with sonic waves.

You’ll find rules for these models – and the rest of the stuff in the set – across the booklets included in the set. These detail the lore of the Realm of Chaos, giving hints as to the nature of this mysterious dimension and offering insights into the endless machinations of the Dark Gods.


The armies inside this great new starter set are perfect for 40k and Age of Sigmar Daemon players, plus GW says this new set is going to save you money since you don’t have to buy the sets separately.

Here is what we know is in the box from earlier previews:

All of this will be ready for pre-order next weekend. Which ones are you looking forward to the most?  Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.