Warhammer 40k: Unbeatable Army Lists From Throne of Skulls GT

typhus meta warhammer 40k best army death guard

Unlock victory with the top Warhammer 40k army lists featuring Death Guard, Black Templars, and Blood Angels from the Throne of Skulls.

Warhammer 40k: Unbeatable Army Lists From Throne of Skulls GT

top warhammer 40k army lists to beat tournaments grand 1

The tournament is over, and now we can look at which lists managed to secure a place at the top! Check out what these winners brought in their armies with our commentary on their selections.

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Warhammer 40,000 Throne of Skulls top 8


3rd Place: John Oates – Dark Angels

dark angels hor wal


John Oates


John Oates 2


John Oates 3


John Oates 4

2nd Place: Paul O’Boyle – Black Templars

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Paul O'Boyle


Paul O'Boyle 2


Paul O'Boyle 3


Paul O'Boyle 4

1st Place: Robert Percival – Death Guard


Robert Percival 1

Robert’s list was led by a Putrifier for Lethal hits and free Grenades, Chaos Lord for re-rolls, Blightspawn for fighting first and a great flamer, a Lord of Contagion for some great melee support, Mortarion as easily the single best model in the faction, and a Tallyman for extra CP.

Robert Percival 2

Typhus for an excellent melee threat and buffing the durability of the unit he leads. Two units of Plague Marines bring in some standard bodies that will be buffed up thanks to the suite of HQs on the list.

Robert Percival 3

Two Death Guard Rhinos offer some cheap transportation options to help in the early turns. A unit of Cultists help with some cheap wound soakers, while a Predator Destructor brings in some surprisingly efficient ranged armor support.

Robert Percival 4

Deathshroud Terminators bring in some highly durable melee threats to pair up with Typhus. In contrast, Poxwalkers offer a few more cheap wound-soaking chaff. Lastly, a unit of Nurglings is allied in for the last bit of points to squeeze out more of the wound-soaking potential.

There you have it: the top Warhammer 40k army lists from the Throne of Skulls were ruled by Death Guard, Black Templars, and Dark Angels. Robert‘s Death Guard army came out on top thanks to its focus on efficiency and durability across the board. Studying these army lists, their combos, and interactions offers some insight for newer Warhammer 40k players and pros alike.

Click Here For More Top Warhammer Army Lists

What do you think of these top Warhammer 40k army lists from the Throne of Skulls?