40k: Top Unbeatable Army Lists at the Texas Open 2024

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Imperial Guard, Necrons, and Dark Angels topped the Texas Open; here are the best Warhammer 40k army lists from the event!

Warhammer 40k: Top Unbeatable Army Lists at the Texas Open

top warhammer 40k army lists to beat tournaments grand

The tournament is over, and now we can look at which lists managed to secure a place at the top! Check out what these winners brought in their armies with our commentary on their selections.  Thanks to Best Coast Pairings, we can look back at the event as if we were all there ourselves. Click this special promo link to save $20 on a year’s subscription to BCP.

Texas Open 2024 top 8

3rd Place: Scott Cairns – Astra Militarum

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Scott Cairns 1


Scott Cairns 2


Scott Cairns 3


Scott Cairns 4

2nd Place: Justin Moore – Necrons

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Justin Moore necrons 1


Justin Moore necrons 2

1st Place: Cam Hawkins – Dark Angels



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A Biologis-led Cam’s Dark Angels for an Ob Sec buff and Lethal Hits, Azrael brings Sustained Hits and CP generation, while a Judiciar is a cheap model that can help hunt down enemy characters. Straight into transports, there are two Impulsors to help protect a unit and provide some decent shots and mobility throughout the game.

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Two units of Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs bring in some dedicated fast close-range models, while two units of Deathwing Knights are fantastic melee terminators.

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An Eradicator Squad brings some long-range snipers, while two units of Inner Circle Companions act as even more melee threats, while Ravenwing Black Knights bring are very mobile.

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A Repulsor is the final long-range option in the list, which then closes out on two units of Scouts to round out points and bring some pretty good mobility and, in turn, utility thanks to their redeploy.

And there you have it, folks! The Texas Open showcased some top-tier Warhammer 40k action, and these army lists certainly did not disappoint. From Astra Militarum to Necrons and Dark Angels, these lists bring a whole lot of firepower and tactical prowess to the battlefield. Whether you’re a tabletop veteran or a fresh recruit to the Warhammer universe, there’s something to learn and appreciate from these high-caliber army compositions.

Click Here For More Top Warhammer Army Lists

What do you think of these top Warhammer 40k army lists from the Texas Open?