40k Battlezone: Mechanicus Charadon Box Set Value

value-charadon-terrain-set-40kNew terrain is on the way, so you know we had to check out what the value is looking like for the Battlezone: Mechanicus Charadon Box!

We’ll be basing this on the Vertigus terrain bundle from not so long ago, because the contents are fairly similar, so that is a great jumping-off point for the value. If you want a decent amount of terrain in a single buy, this isn’t terrible at $150. So that is a decent amount of money to drop on terrain, but if it has value to you then it’s a worthwhile buy!

It also comes with a double-sided board of some kind, so if you are just playing on a table, that can really help the battle feel better as well.

Let’s first look at Vertigus then jump into the newest set.

Vertigus Terrain Set

The Vertigus set came with 24 pieces and also ran for $150. If you want to see more about what the kit had in it and watch Rob break it down, check out his unboxing here. The value in this wasn’t too bad, but again, still a little expensive for terrain in general.

Battlezone: Mechanicus Charadon Box $150

Battlezone Mechanicus TerrainYou get 13 pieces of terrain in this set (fewer small pieces than the last set) and the boards.

  • Haemotrope Reactor $25 ($49 for 2)
  • Sector Mechanicus Ferratonic Furnace $100 ($50 each)
  • Thermic Plasma Regulators $34
  • Alchomite Stack $50
  • Additional Pipes $15?

Total MSRP: $224

Total Value: $74

Overall there is some pretty cool terrain in this set, let’s just hope the actual retail price is set correctly. Not the craziest value out there, but if you need some really cool-looking terrain, this has some value inside. The terrain bundles usually go fairly quickly, so if you do want it, we would recommend jumping on it early as they seem to be allocated to one per store.

Do you like the bundle? Will you be picking the kit up?

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