40K: Codex Khorne Daemonkin Pics!



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It’s about that time, and codex Khorne Daemonkin images and prices have been spotted.  Come see the newest 40K codex!

via Blog for the Blood God (facebook)



So let’s look at some prices:10404887_1593273107586196_4745480323910617267_n

Codex Khorne Daemonkin: $49.50

(Skulltaker edition: $165)

Datacards: $12.50

Daemonkin Warband set: $230

The BIG question is, is this GW’s answer to doing Legion/cult books in 40K?  I would assume there will be a series of 4 of these for each god, and that the formal “Legion armybooks” will be left to 30K.  How’s that sit with you?


~Who’s in for this one?