40k Conversion Potential- Hell Dorado Miniatures

By Rob Baer | January 29th, 2011 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News

This post kicks off a new series of articles on Spikey Bits called Conversion Potential. The aim of these random musings is to show off something I saw that is awesome and how it can be used in the hobby.

This week I feature a model from the Hell Dorado miniature game that is just brimming with possibilites.

Hell Dorado is the new game on the block right now, and it has some real conversion potential for Warhammer 40k!

Okay I admit its not really “new”, but it’s newly translated into English and now available in North America. So that seems good enough to be called new to me. 

The reason I bring it up the game seemingly arbitrarily, is Augustinus Raimond. This lads got potential- Conversion Potential.

So what could you do with this guy you ask? Well lots really.  He’s pretty much pre-made in custom power armor, so we’re talking conversions of; Abaddon, Horus, The Emperor, Primarchs, Vulkan or any of the M41 Chapter Masters. With a little elbow grease, and some time sky’s the limit here!

Of course I can’t wait to get my copy of  Augustinus Raimond on the old workbench, but for now I’ve got bigger fish to fry.  Something BIG is on the Horizon for Spikey Bits, more on that shortly.

You can checkout the rest of the Hell Dorado miniatures line over on the Spikey Bits Discount Web Store.

Do you have an awesome conversion to show off? Maybe a how-to article for a large project? Would you like to see it on Spikey Bits or even possibly Bell of Lost Souls?  Drop me a line today with what you have! -MBG