40k Dice Masters Coming This Summer!

By Wesley Floyd | June 4th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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The release is set for Wizkids new partnership with Games Workshop, as 40k Dicemasters looks to be hitting store shelves this summer! Check out the latest.

Dice Masters is what it sounds like. A dice game with cards and objectives in mind.

GTM announced the upcoming release of the 40K Dice Masters release in their magazine.

40k Dice Masters Previews

GTM 1 dicemasters

GTM 2 dicemasters

Looks like the same format of Dice Masters with Warhammer 40k art for flavor. This will be a fun game that fans of both games can enjoy.  GTM previewed mostly Primaris and Deathguard to keep up with what’s been going on in 8th edition.

GTM dicemasters

This was all released in this month’s edition of GTM so look more information to come from this game in the future.

If you missed our older post that had some details on this, you can find it right here. The older post had some Space Wolves and Ork cards for Dice Masters.

Could these cards be coming out around the time of the Space Wolf and Ork codex books this fall?

40K Coming to Dice Masters

Dice Masters Battle For Ultramar


Set in the dark sci-fantasy world of Warhammer 40,000, the game allows players to build teams of iconic characters and warriors to battle it out for supremacy using custom dice and cards.  Warhammer 40,000 Dice Masters uses the game system designed by Mike Elliott and Eric M. Lang for Dice Masters, and will be completely compatible with other games in the line.

Dicemasters Cards

There will be four factions available at the start, and players can build teams using a single faction, or mix and match to create their own Dice Masters team.

Dicemasters Packs Preview

Players can expand their games with two separate Team Packs, each introducing another faction to the game.

Dicemasters Stompa

The Orks – WAAAGH! Team Pack offers the uncontrollable Orks, with the infamous Ork warlord Ghazghkull Thraka and the Boyz and Warbikers under his command.

Logan Grimnar Dicemasters

The Space Wolves – Sons of RussTeam Pack, meanwhile, introduces Logan Grimnar and the Venerable Dreadnought at the front of a Space Wolves Space Marine force.

The new game looks like it’s going to be a really fun new way to play Warhammer. But will you play as the Ultramarines, Death Guard, Orks, or Space Wolves? Or maybe a combination of all four? The option is there to create the strongest team using different characters and dice from different factions.

We first saw the announcement about the recent partnership between Games Workshop and Wizkids back in October.


October 19, 2017 – Hillside, NJ – WizKids, the leader in high-quality pre-painted miniatures and established board games, today revealed a multi-year partnership with acclaimed fantasy miniatures company, Games Workshop. The new partnership will extend the Warhammer 40,000 universe IP across multiple categories, including, Dice Building Games™, board games and more!