40k Eternal Crusade – Assaulting Strongpoints

By Zeb Barrett | July 11th, 2016 | Categories: video game, Warhammer 40k News

eternal crusade

Warhammer 40k Eternal Crusade is still in early access on Steam. Come check out this gameplay trailer and some screen shots!

Jump into the epic battle as any of the four playable races in this third person shooter set in the 41st Millennium. Early access is now available!

Source: Eternal Crusade

Space Marines, Chaos Marines, Eldar and Orks plan their strategy, then deploy with their squads as they assault strongholds, defend outposts or delve into the Underworld
to combat hordes of Tyranids.

eternal crusade

Whether you’re in PVP (60+) or PVE (5 vs AI), your squad must work together to overcome constant resistance in their quest for glory.

eternal crusade

Skill-based combat, ranged and melee as well as in vehicles…. can you turn the tides of war in your faction’s favor?

Earn thousands of weapons, armour options and accessories for multiple sub factions drawn from 28 years of Warhammer 40,000 lore to craft your perfect warrior.

Don’t miss out on your chance to join the epic battle in the 41st millennium! Download the early access now on Steam!