40k FAQ is Coming & Here’s What You Need to Know

By Jack Stover | September 7th, 2018 | Categories: Editorials, jstove, Warhammer 40k News

hor of space marine and chaos

The big 40k FAQ promised by GW is supposed to drop sometime this month if they keep their word. What could it be fixing, and what could it be shaking up?

Keep in mind that the first big FAQ was dropped off-schedule to apply immediate band-aids to issues like Flyrant and Stormraven spam.

40k FAQ is Coming & Here’s What You Need to Know

Read on to refresh your memory on some of the potential winners and losers in the game right now:

Rule of Three Beta

40k FAQ is Coming & Here's What You Need to Know

The rule that states matched play armies cannot have more than three of any given data slate in the army was a “beta rule” pending ratification. Will rule of three become locked in as official? We’ll find out.

Daemonic Cheating and the Rule of Three

cultist summoning

One of the interesting caveats in Rule of three is that “Daemon Prince of Chaos,” “Daemon Prince,” “Daemon Prince of Nurgle,” and “Daemon Prince of Tzeentch” are all technically different entries from different Codexes. Under Rules as Written, you can build a chaos army that can pull 3 daemon princes from 4 different codexes. Will this remain legal, or will it be clarified as an abuse?

The Deepstrike Embargo

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Another beta rule that is awaiting clarification is the Deep strike embargo that limits deep strike arrival to your own deployment zone on turn 1. Of course, immediately after this rule came out, there were sneaky ways around it like forward operating Alpha Legion, Genestealer Cult ambush, Spore Mines in your lap stratagem, and other things I missed that allow you to ‘soft deepstrike’ before the game starts.

Will GW stick to their guns and ratify the deep strike embargo as official going forward, or will they have more to say about it?

So Much Soup & It’s All Guard Flavored

super happy guardsman wal hor

We’ve been playing with soup for a year now and as a lot of the tournament coverage will tell you, in the Imperial corner a familiar offender keeps popping up. The Loyal 32. A Guard Battalion with 30 lasgun duders (or 27 and 3 mortars) and a couple dudes with big hats and Kurov’s Aquila.

Will this super cheap command point battery get tweaked by GW in the name of variety and balance?

A lot of us in the competitive coverage community that are keeping tabs on list building believe that it will. The track record is there.

When Stormraven spam swept the nation (literally) we got the Boots on the Ground rule immediately. When seven Flyrants took the cake, we got a points adjustment on them and Rule of three. Proactive reactionary changes (for better or worse) have been a trend this edition.

You can bet on that trend continuing.

Rumblings of Space Marine Rehash

space marine 1

The usual suspects are of course claiming that it’s time once again for the Space Marine re-hash. GW’s poster boys are notorious throughout the years for getting multiple Codexes. There are salty rumors of Primaris Marines getting a transport option that won’t cost an arm and leg.

Marine poster boys tend to get the first codex every edition with rare exception. They enjoy the fun in the sun for a minute only to get surpassed by other armies. This prompts a rehash of their dated codex. Will Marines get reinforcements in the wake of the next big FAQ? They’d better hope they do.

Because unless you’re carrying that Hellblaster plasma gun, nobody gives a crap about your second wound, buddy!

oh yeah

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