40k Film You Have to See: Astartes Part 3 REVEALED

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An amazing unofficial new film is in the works for the Warhammer 40k. Check out the latest episode for what is aptly titled “Astartes”.

A very talented 3D artist has been working in his spare time to bring us a self-made Space Marine film called Astartes. Three whole parts have been made so far and the story just gets better and better. Take a look at the episodes including the latest third edition.  If you like his work, you can go on Patreon and show him even more support!

If anyone would like to support me in this project please consider the links below. I work as a contract 3d artist so any donation means less time working for others and more time on Astartes!

Astartes: Episode One

Space Marines are preparing to breach into an enemy ship from some kind of assault shuttle. They perform their blessing rites over their Bolters and lock into the rig.

We aren’t sure what Chapter these Space Marines are from. They could be some brother Chapter from something like Raven Guard.

Astartes: Episode Two

Space Marines breach the hull of the enemy ship after surviving enemy fire. Then, proceed to do what Space Marines in the lore. They walk through enemy fire and obliterate the problem in a matter of minutes.

LATEST Astartes: Episode Three

The video shows the Astartes making some serious headway into the ship they boarded. The Heretics inside scramble to find the weaponry powerful enough to crack the Space Marine’s Ceramite. However, like usual, the Marines walk through the fire with no issues and continue deeper inside.

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An Autocannon slows them down for just a few seconds. Nonetheless, a Bolter round makes short work of the entire emplacement.

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The soldiers inside the ship actually get so desperate to kill a single Space Marine that they end up mowing down their own men in the process.

The film is really looking to be a refreshing lore-accurate film showcasing the power of the Adeptus Astartes. What’s even more impressive is that the movie is completely unofficial and is being worked on by the hands of a 3D designer.

What do you think about the latest Astartes film? What do you think will happen next? Will the Space Marines end up losing one of their own? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.