40k Film You Have to See: Astartes Part 4 REVEALED

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The growing fan favorite “Astartes” just released episode 4 on the short film. Check out what was just revealed for the Space Marines now!

A very talented 3D artist has been working in his spare time to bring us a self-made Space Marine film called Astartes. With four episodes under our belt, we’ve got an awesome idea at how Space Marines really should act on the tabletop. You can go on Patreon and show him even more support!

If anyone would like to support me in this project please consider the links below. I work as a contract 3d artist so any donation means less time working for others and more time on Astartes!

Astartes: Episode One

Space Marines are preparing to breach into an enemy ship from some kind of assault shuttle. They perform their blessing rites over their Bolters and lock into the rig.

We aren’t sure what Chapter these Space Marines are from. They could be some brother Chapter from something like Raven Guard.

Astartes: Episode Two

Space Marines breach the hull of the enemy ship after surviving enemy fire. Then, proceed to do what Space Marines in the lore. They walk through enemy fire and obliterate the problem in a matter of minutes.

Astartes: Episode Three

The video shows the Astartes making some serious headway into the ship they boarded. The Heretics inside scramble to find the weaponry powerful enough to crack the Space Marine’s Ceramite. However, as usual, the Marines walk through the fire with no issues and continue deeper inside.

LATEST: Astartes Episode Four

After wading through small arms fire from Traitors, the Space Marines seem to have met their match. Two Psyker-like enemies are guarding some kind of Vault and the Space Marines pull off a mean ambush.


Taking the two Psykers by surprise, they unleash an unholy amount of bolter fire from all sides.

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The Space Marines realized early on that they weren’t getting anywhere by pelting them with bolter rounds. One charged ahead while the Psykers were distracted from repelling all of the bolter rounds. However, the Astartes get stopped in his tracks and slowly gets crushed.

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They continue to struggle until another Astartes shows up to help. We’re not going to spoil everything for you so make sure you watch the film from the beginning!

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At the end of the film, you can see the surviving Astartes walk out, regroup, and head towards some kind of massive numbered vault located inside the heart of the ship.

With the fourth episode finally out, we will have to wait and make guesses as to what could be on the other side of the massive steel door. Could it be an Imperial POW? Is it a vault of Geneseed? Let us know what you think in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.