40K Flash Tomb Raiders Final Campaign Rules

By Rob Baer | November 24th, 2011 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News

These are the final flash rules we hashed out over the past month at the shop.  They work pretty well, and keep the pace of play moving well.

I encourage you to try them if you looking for something new to spice up some 40k play.  Please comment back with how it goes!

Here’s the changes I made to the previous flash rules

1. Added Necrons.
2. Changed how Tau can take HQ’s
3. Adjusted Grey Knights’ HQ’s
4. Changed max games per week, and capped veteran abilities.
Changes in Red Below -MBG

Flash features fast and furious games taking about an hour to complete (it was originally designed to be played during lunch breaks).

Players challenge each other anytime during the week, as you can play up to 3 games a week– BUT you must play two other people before playing the same player twice.

The following rules are for building Warhammer 40K Flash

• You must have 1+ Troop choice and a minimum of 2 non-HQ unit selections.
• You may only have 0-1 HQ selection, even if allowed more than one such selection per HQ.
• You may only have 0-3 total Elite, Fast Assault and Heavy Support units combined.
• You may only have 0-1 non-HQ unit with more than 2 wounds. Minimum unit size is 1 model, maximum size is unit’s original minimum size.
• No independent characters or HQ selections with more than 2 wounds.
• No monstrous creatures.
• No units with a toughness over 6.
• No equipment or upgrades with 2+ saves or models with 2+ saves.
• Vehicles squadrons may only take their minimum number of models.
• No vehicles with a total Armor Value greater than 33. Calculate this by adding the Front, Side, and Rear armor values (counting the Side once). Vehicles with any wargear, or inherent abilites (like Quantum Shielding) that give them higher armor are not allowed.
• No units with Ordnance weapons
• No Special Characters

500 pt Flash Army Specific Rules (Good till Dec 1)
• Black Templars: You may take 1 Sword Brethren unit as a HQ choice with min. unit size 1.
• Blood Angels: You may take 1 Sternguard Veteran Squad as a HQ choice with min. unit size 1.
• Chaos Space Marines: You may take 1 Chosen Chaos Space Marine unit as a HQ choice with min. unit size 1.
• Dark Angels: You may take 1 Company Veterans unit as a HQ choice with min. unit size 1.
• Dark Eldar: You may include 1 Incubi unit as a HQ choice with a min. unit size 1.
• Eldar: HQ Warlocks may be selected without taking a Farseer, and count as Independent Characters. One warlock can be taken as an HQ choice.
• Grey Knights: You may take either a strike, purifier, or interceptor as a HQ choice. He may not use his psychic abilities for the flash league (i.e. Hammerhands, Cleansing Flame etc…)
• Imperial Guard: Ignore Infantry Platoon composition; you can select infantry platoon units individually. Command Squads count as HQ, Infantry and Conscript Squads as Troops and Heavy and Special Weapon Squads as Heavy Support.

• Necrons: You can take any Type: Infantry model as a unit of one to be your designated leader (HQ Choice), as long as he follows the rules above (regardless of royal court restrictions).
Vehicles with any wargear, or inherent abilites (like Quantum Shielding) that give them higher armor are not allowed.

• Orks: You may take 1 Nobz unit as a HQ choice with min. unit size 1.
• Space Marines: You may take 1 Sternguard Veteran Squad as a HQ choice with min. unit size 1.
• Space Wolves: You may take 1 Wolf Guard unit as a HQ choice with min. unit size 1.
• Tyranids: You may take 1 Warrior Brood as a HQ choice with min. unit size 1.
• Tau- You can take a single Crisis Battle-suit, Stealth Suit, or firewarrior with any of their normal upgrades for your HQ choice. Weapon Restrictions due to model count (like 3 models per one fusion gun in the Stealth Squads) are ignored.

Game Setup
1. Table Setup: Terrain is set-up at the tables prior to the start of the event. Players agree how terrain is ruled and will affect the game. Tables are 4’x4′.
2. Deployment: Determine who goes first and table edges, then deploy as the mission dictates.
4. Seize the Initiative: Roll “Seize the Initiative”.

Gaining Veteran Abilities
After each battle follow the rules for gaining veteran abilities on page 263 of the 40k Rulebook. You must record these on your army lists, so I suggest writing your units out on index cards to make this easier.

Each Unit may only use one Veteran ability during a game, regardless of how many they may possess. (this helps you tailor to your opponent- more than one is kinda broken). Indicate to you opponent which ability (if any) you will be using during your game.

500 pt Flash Scoring
Use victory point rules in WH40k p. 300 to detemine the Victory Margins below.

You get a bonus 100 Victory points for achieving the game objective (and nothing else).
0-99 Draw
100-199 Marginal
200-299 Solid
300+ Massacre

Victory Margin Scores:

  • Draw (10 points each) 
  • Marginal (12/8 points) 
  • Solid (15/5)
  • Massacre (20/0)

Missions w/ Deployment 
(variable feel free to change to taste)

  • Week 1  Capture and Control, Pitched Battle
  • Week 2 Annihilation, Spearhead
  • Week 3 Seize Ground, Dawn of War
  • Week 4 Annihilation, Pitched Battle.
Report your results to the event organizer, and play again!

What do you think, the emphasis is on fast quick play, with minimal reporting.  The bulk of the work for players will come from keeping track of their Veteran Abilities!