40k Horde Armies May Be In Trouble: Ep 180

By Kenny Boucher | January 28th, 2019 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News

Horde armies and slow players may be in trouble in Warhammer 40k now as Chess Clocks are keeping people honest in tournaments! 

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Team Long War: From left to right: Kenny Boucher, Stephen Fore, Rob Baer, and Mike Haspil


40k Horde Armies are in Trouble: Episode 180

Welcome to the Long War, a new place for bringing the hobby back to wargaming! A podcast hosted by Rob Baer, Kenny Boucher, Stephen Fore & Mike Haspil.

Table of Contents
Table Top Market @3:50
New Bolter Rules @37:04
The Long War Doubles at LVO @31:11
Chess Clocks 48:00

You can purchase Haspil’s book Graveyard Shift here.
