40k Kill Team, Blackstone Fortress: New Release Lineup & Pricing

By Andrew Schrank | August 26th, 2019 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

kill team new releases

We may not be getting more Space Marines this week but we are getting Blackstone Fortress and Kill Team releases. Take a look at what’s on pre-order now!

The Space Marine pain train is on hold this week. Filling the gap is the new Blackstone Fortress and an updated Kill Team starter set. Let’s take a quick look at what is inside these boxes!

40k Kill Team Starter (2019) $160

Get Yours For Less From Miniature Market!

Kill team starter set 2019 new

– Core Manual

– 5 Primaris Space Marines Reivers, each with the option to take a bolt carbine or heavy bolt pistol and combat knife, as well additional wargear in the form of grapnel launchers and/or grav-chutes
– 10 T’au Empire Fire Warriors, each armed with a pulse rifle or pulse carbine, and two DS8 Tactical Support Turrets equipped with a choice of missile pod or smart missile system
– 2 8-page booklets covering these kill teams, featuring background, painted examples and a timeline of their history
– 6 frames of Sector Mechanicus scenery, enabling you to populate your battlefield with a selection of ruined industrial buildings

–  36 Universal Tactics cards which can be used by any kill team
– 12 Adeptus Astartes Tactics cards, usable exclusively by that Faction
– 10 T’au Empire Tactics cards, usable exclusively by that Faction
– 5 Adeptus Astartes and 12 T’au Empire datacards for reference during your games, with a number of blank datacards supplied for building your own custom kill teams

Also supplied are a double-sided gaming board measuring 22” x 30” with a Sector Imperialis city layout on one side, and a Sector Mechanicus layout on the other, 6 x D6, 2 x D10, a clear plastic 12” range ruler, a selection of gaming tokens themed around the Adeptus Astartes and T’au Empire.

Find out more about all the kits that come in this set on our previous savings alert post.

Blackstone Fortress: Escalation Expansion $110

Get Yours For Less From Miniature Market!



Blackstone pt2 sprue 1


Blackstone pt2 sprue 2


Blackstone pt2 sprue 3

– 24-page Escalation booklet
– 40-page Exploration booklet
– 8-page Datasheet booklet
– 11 board tiles
– 68 cards
– Counters and markers
– 4 stasis chambers
– 1 Throne of Mallex envelope
– 13 Citadel Miniatures: 4 Explorers, 1 Retinue character, 7 Chaos Cultists, 1 Chaos Cultist Firebrand

What do you think about the new Blackstone fortress? Are you excited for the progression? Are you thinking about getting the updated starter box for Kill Team?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!