40k Kill Team Commander Pre-Order Lineup & Pricing

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Don’t miss out on a first look at the new 40k Kill Team Commanders as GW shows off their newest expansion pre-orders with pricing!

Come and see what’s new from GW this week as we get a first look at the new battlefield Commanders for your Kill Team factions. Let’s take a look.

Kill Team: Commanders Expansion Set: $60

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Kill Team: Commanders is an expansion for Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team, introducing elite war leaders and experts in the art of battle – Commanders. It contains all the rules required to add these powerful hero characters to your Kill Team battles and campaigns at a variety of balanced skill levels and provides missions designed to showcase these miniatures in open, narrative and matched play.

The Kill Team Commanders expansion set will have everything you need to bust out a Commander in-game. It’ll come with new missions, an expanded psychic phase, and the most in-depth customization we’ve seen so far in Kill Team. You’ll get all the tokens and generic Commander cards. The only thing left you’ll need to do is grab a Commander model for the Kill Team you want to play.  Speaking of Commander models…

Kill Team: Ankra the Colossus Necron Commander Set: $35

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Add a Commander – a powerful hero character with unique abilities and rules – to your Necron kill team with this set. It contains a multipart plastic Overlord miniature, a set of cards packed with exclusive rules and a sheet of tokens for use in-game:

– An Overlord: this multipart plastic kit is used to represent Ankra the Colossus – or the Commander of any Necron kill team you wish. Posed with the kind of triumphant attitude you can only really get from millennia of slaughter, he wields a voidscythe and resurrection orb.
– A datacard for Ankra the Colossus, featuring its characteristics, weapons, abilities and specialisms, along with a card featuring his background
– A card featuring Ankra the Colossus’ skill tree – Overlord specialisms which can only be used by that character
– 6 Necron Commander Tactics Cards, including 2 Tactics exclusive to this set
– A sheet of tokens for use in games of Kill Team – this includes 1 Move/Charge token, 1 Fall Back/Advance token, 1 Ready/Shoot token, 6 Tactic/psychic power tokens, 3 wound tokens, and 3 objective tokens.

Necrons will defiantly get a boost for the new Ankra the Colossus Necron Commander Set. not to mention that this guy will look great in any Killzone!

Kill Team: Feodor Lasko Astra Militarum Commander Set: $35

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Add a Commander – a powerful hero character with unique abilities and rules – to your Astra Militarum kill team with this set. It contains a multipart plastic Officio Prefectus Commissar miniature, a set of cards packed with exclusive rules and a sheet of tokens for use in-game:

– An Officio Prefectus Commissar: this multipart plastic kit is used to represent Feodor Lasko – or the Commander of any Astra Militarum kill team you wish – clad in the striking, authoritarian uniform of a Commissar, equipped with either a bolt pistol or plasma pistol at the end of his bionic right arm, his left hand wielding a power sword
– A datacard for Feodor Lasko, featuring his characteristics, weapons, abilities and specialisms, along with a card featuring his background
– A card featuring Feodor Lasko’s skill tree – Officio Prefectus Commissar specialisms which can only be used by that character
– 5 Astra Militarum Commander Tactics Cards, including 2 Tactics exclusive to this set
– A sheet of tokens for use in games of Kill Team – this includes 1 Move/Charge token, 1 Fall Back/Advance token, 1 Ready/Shoot token, 6 Tactic/psychic power tokens, 3 wound tokens, and 3 objective tokens.

What good is an Imperial Guard regiment without their fearless leader to shout orders across the battlefield look out Xenos scum!

Kill Team: Fireblade Twinflame T’au Empire Commander Set: $35

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Add a Commander – a powerful hero character with unique abilities and rules – to your T’au Empire kill team with this set. It contains a multipart plastic Cadre Fireblade miniature, a set of cards packed with exclusive rules and a sheet of tokens for use in-game:

– A Cadre Fireblade: this multipart plastic kit is used to represent Shas’nel Twinflame – or the Commander of any T’au Empire Kill Team you wish. His armour is elaborate, with T’au symbols adorning the various panels, and he holds aloft a large bonding knife, a long-barrelled pulse rifle with marker light at his hip.
– A datacard for Shas’nel Twinflame, featuring his characteristics, weapons, abilities and specialisms, along with a card featuring his background
– A card featuring Shas’nel Twinflame’s skill tree – Cadre Fireblade specialisms which can only be used by that character
– 7 T’au Empire Commander Tactics cards, including 2 Tactics exclusive to this set
– A sheet of tokens for use in games of Kill Team – this includes 1 Move/Charge token, 1 Fall Back/Advance token, 1 Ready/Shoot token, 6 Tactic/psychic power tokens, 3 wound tokens, and 3 objective tokens

The greater good never looked better than they will with the Fireblade Twinflame T’au Empire Commander leading the fight!

Kill Team: Gaius Acastian Deathwatch Commander Set: $35

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Add a Commander – a powerful hero character with unique abilities and rules – to your Deathwatch kill team with this set. It contains a multipart plastic Watch Master miniature, a set of cards packed with exclusive rules and a sheet of tokens for use in-game:

– A Watch Master: this multipart plastic kit represents Gaius Acastian – or the Commander of any Deathwatch Kill Team. Wielding a guardian spear and a clavis – a device which can interact positively or negatively with any machine the Watch Master turns his attention to – he wears heavy Deathwatch armour and stares impassively through an optical implant that dominates his face.
– A datacard for Gaius Acastian, featuring his characteristics, weapons, abilities and specialisms, along with a card featuring his background
– A card featuring Gaius Acastian’s skill tree – Watch Master specialisms which can only be used by that character
– 3 Librarius Discipline psychic power cards
– 6 Deathwatch Commander Tactics cards, including 2 Tactics exclusive to this set
– A sheet of tokens for use in games of Kill Team – this includes 1 Move/Charge token, 1 Fall Back/Advance token, 1 Ready/Shoot token, 6 Tactic/psychic power tokens, 3 wound tokens, and 3 objective tokens

Gaius Acastian from the Deathwatch Commander Set looks ready to take charge and bring glory to the Emporer one Killzone at a time!

Kill Team: Gitzog Wurldkilla Ork Commander Set: $35

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Add a Commander – a powerful hero character with unique abilities and rules – to your Ork kill team with this set. It contains a multipart plastic Warboss miniature, a set of cards packed with exclusive rules and a sheet of tokens for use in-game:

– An Ork Warboss: this multipart plastic kit represents Gitzog Wurldkilla – or the Commander of any Ork Kill Team you wish – a tall, muscular and imposing sight even by Ork standards, accompanied by a large, impressively-betoothed squig and clutching a kombi-weapon in one hand, the other replaced entirely by a vicious power klaw.
– A datacard for Gitzog Wurldkilla, featuring his characteristics, weapons, abilities and specialisms, along with a card featuring his background
– A card featuring Gitzog Wurldkilla’s skill tree – Warboss specialisms which can only be used by that character
– 5 Ork Commander Tactics cards, including 2 Tactics exclusive to this set
– A sheet of tokens for use in games of Kill Team – this includes 1 Move/Charge token, 1 Fall Back/Advance token, 1 Ready/Shoot token, 6 Tactic/psychic power tokens, 3 wound tokens, and 3 objective tokens.

Well, it’s not the Orktober we where promised but, it’s a start! Gitzog Wurldkilla is ready to lead his boyz to a decisive victory. Let the krumpin begin!

Kill Team: Magos Dalathrust Adeptus Mechanicus Commander Set: $35

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Add a Commander – a powerful hero character with unique abilities and rules – to your Adeptus Mechanicus kill team with this set. It contains a multipart plastic Tech-Priest Dominus miniature, a set of cards packed with exclusive rules and a sheet of tokens for use in-game:

– A Tech-Priest Dominus: this multipart plastic kit is used to represent Magos Dalathrust – or the Commander of any Adeptus Mechanicus Kill Team you wish – a Tech-Priest augmented to the point of being almost entirely cybernetic, scuttling on several insectile legs which poke out from beneath a tattered robe; this only adds to the sinister air provided by his choices of armament with a volkite blaster, a macrostubber, an eradication ray, a phosphor serpenta and a power axe – his badge of office – and detailed with a microphone and loudspeaker
– A datacard for Magos Dalathrust, featuring his characteristics, weapons, abilities and specialisms, along with a card featuring his background
– A card featuring Magos Dalathrust’s skill tree – Tech-Priest Dominus specialisms which can only be used by that character
– 4 Adeptus Mechanicus Commander Tactics cards, including 2 Tactics exclusive to this set
– A sheet of tokens for use in games of Kill Team – this includes 1 Move/Charge token, 1 Fall Back/Advance token, 1 Ready/Shoot token, 6 Tactic/psychic power tokens, 3 wound tokens, and 3 objective tokens.

The Magos Dalathrust Adeptus Mechanicus Commander Set brings with it some spare parts for the Skartari faction!

Kill Team: Torrvald Orksbane Adeptus Astartes Commander Set: $35

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Add a Commander – a powerful hero character with unique abilities and rules – to your Adeptus Astartes kill team with this set. It contains a multipart plastic Primaris Librarian miniature, a set of cards packed with exclusive rules and a sheet of tokens for use in-game:

– A Primaris Librarian: this multipart plastic kit is used to represent Torrvald Orksbane – or the Commander of any Adeptus Astartes kill team you wish – clad in Mk X power armour, with many elaborate accoutrements, from his ornate multi-layered cloak to the detailed wiring of his psychic hood, armed with a force sword in his right hand and a holstered bolt pistol
– A datacard for Torrvald Orksbane, featuring his characteristics, weapons, abilities and specialisms, along with a card featuring his background
– A card featuring Torrvald Orksbane’s skill tree – Primaris Librarian specialisms which can only be used by that character
– 4 Librarius Discipline psychic power cards, including the exclusive Stormcaller psychic power
– 5 Adeptus Astartes Commander Tactics Cards, including 2 Tactics exclusive to this set
– A sheet of tokens for use in games of Kill Team – this includes 1 Move/Charge token, 1 Fall Back/Advance token, 1 Ready/Shoot token, 6 Tactic/psychic power tokens, 3 wound tokens, and 3 objective tokens.

We can only imagine the psychic shenanigans that the Torrvald Orksbane Adeptus Astartes Commander Set will hold!

Kill Team: Vysa Kharavyxis Drukhari Commander Set: $35

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Add a Commander – a powerful hero character with unique abilities and rules – to your Drukhari kill team with this set. It contains a multipart plastic Succubus miniature, a set of cards packed with exclusive rules and a sheet of tokens for use in-game:

– A Succubus: this multipart plastic kit is used to represent Vysa Kharavyxis – or the Commander of any Drukhari kill team you wish – fast, elegant and utterly deadly, the Succubus carries an agoniser and archite glaive, with a trophy rack giving an appropriately grisly indicator of her prowess, while her riveted armour features a set of cables which burrow into her neck, delivering doses of powerful combat stims
– A datacard for Vysa Kharavyxis, featuring her characteristics, weapons, abilities and specialisms, along with a card featuring his background
– A card featuring Vysa Kharavyxis’ skill tree – Succubus specialisms which can only be used by that character – 5 Drukhari Commander Tactics Cards, including 2 Tactics exclusive to this set
– A sheet of tokens for use in games of Kill Team – this includes 1 Move/Charge token, 1 Fall Back/Advance token, 1 Ready/Shoot token, 6 Tactic/psychic power tokens, 3 wound tokens, and 3 objective tokens.

The new Vysa Kharavyxis Drukhari Commander Set will bring a whole new meaning of Power From Pain to the tabletop!

Now that we have names and faces to connect with these Kill Team Commander sets, which Commander looks the best to you? Which one will you be using?

That’s it for this week. We can’t wait to see what these new units bring to the tabletop.  But, enough about us. What do you think about these new releases?

Let us know over on our Facebook Hobbies Group and make sure you check back next week and see what’s new from Games Workshop.