With the 40k London GT ending over the weekend, we can finally take a look at the best of the top lists out there as some of the players managed to go undefeated.
Special thanks to Best Coast Pairings who had the army lists from the event.
London GT Top Lists
With the event having so many players, there were a handful of people with lists who went undefeated. Mike Porter was crowned best general in the app, however, the actual London GW event may have awarded something different.
Let’s take a look at his list first:
Like most top lists, we see a cheap battalion detachment with either Guard or ‘Nids to snag 8 command points. Mike went with a bare-bones battalion and put the Aquila relic on his HQ to let him get command points on a 5+.
The real legwork of the list came in with the Adeptus Custodes on bikes. The Vertus Praetors were able to just lay so much strength 4 bolter fire down range that he could close the gap. He also brought 2 Eversors to cause some cheeky disruption and a Cullexus assassin to pick on any psykers. Looking at this list, you can tell it’s very well thought out. All bases were covered and could effectively handle the gamut of threats.
Tyranids & Friends
Look, a cheap battalion of Neophytes! Cant forget about the 6 (distraction?) Carnifexes and Hive Tyrant to rip something off the table.
Eldar Lists
This list brought another cheap Battalion along with Yvraine herself. with a ton of shooting and some soulburst action to top it off, this list had a huge threat bubble. Tom Leighton also brought some Swooping Hawks to deep strike and blow away some pesky armor.
One list that stood apart focused more on putting his points into some elite troops instead of farming CPs. He brought 4 HQs giving him a very high ballistic skill for most of his army and a load of flyers. Seems like you could hide an HQ somewhere to make sure you don’t get tabled and have the flyers pinpoint what needs to be wiped off the board.
Nurgling Nastiness
Another list here, with a literal sea of Nurgling Swarms. He brought Sloppity Bilepiper and Epidimius to buff all of his Nurgling Swarms with extra attacks and other goodies. He also had a nasty Daemon Prince that was virtually un-targettable from all the Nurglings between him and the enemy.
Looking at this list, he didn’t cover all of his bases like Mike Porter however, he gave his Nurglings such big buffs that he was usually the bigger threat.
Competitive Lists in 8th Edition
What we’ve seen at the start of 8th was Dante surfing on the tops of Stormravens. That got fixed pretty quick. Now, post FAQ with getting 5 bonus command points per battalion detachment, swarm armies got even more support. Every list we see is some cheap battalion (mostly Guard, ‘Nids, or Eldar) and then another detachment where the real meat of the fighting force is.
Tactical squads are just too overpriced when a Space Marine battalion is about 340 and an Imperial Guard detachment is about 180. Anyone who has played Guard this edition knows about the number of shots these guys can pump out on top of commands.
What did you think of the London GT? How would you change these lists around? What do you think about the competitive scene in 8th Edition? Are you an elite army player that wishes you had a cheap troop too? Let us know in the comments on Facebook.
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