40k Meta? Email in- Grey Knight Hybrid Army List

By Rob Baer | November 15th, 2011 | Categories: Grey Knights, Warhammer 40k Army Lists, Warhammer 40k News

So in the aftermath of Feast of Blades a lot of us have been talking about where the developing pre-sixth edition 40k Meta Game is going.

Right now it seems that Grey Knights have a clear advantage over all comers, but have a distinct lack of scoring ability when fielded power armor heavy (besides the “here are ten paladins come at me bro” strategy).

I just got an email in from TPM Paul Murphy who was talking with Goatboy yesterday about this very thing. I posted up Thomas’s army list from Feast of Blades, and as you can see he runs a Cotaez/  Draigo list, but it seems to lack in some areas.

Looks like they came up with a crazy hybrid list based off one me and Kenny Boucher were running earlier in the year. I called it Draigo’s punch, cause it basically was a crazy linebreaking list that hit like your were stealing someone’s lunch money.

I’d been running my Draigo’s Punch list with a few tweeks to scoring ability and firepower, but it still won’t do well at an objective based event. There just isn’t enough models to lock down the whole board (or even half lol).

So here is what TPM and Goatboy worked up yesterday, and it seems viable in most competitive environments.  However I wouldn’t play it casually, these lists are kinda mean….

~ 2000 Points Hybrid GK

10 Paladins- Apothecary Halberd, Force Halberd x4, Daemonhammer x2 Psycannons x2 Stave (all complex models)

Techmarine, Rad & Psychotroke Grenades

Henchmen x3 (2x Plasmas) Psybolt Razorback
Henchmen x3 (2x Plasmas) Psybolt Razorback
Henchmen x3 (2x Plasmas) Psybolt Razorback

Purifier Squad x5  Psycannons x2 Hammer Rhino

Venerable Psybolt Dread

I’m a fan of purifiers. I think they are probably one of the best units in the game, by far the best in the Grey Knights book. They are like the swiss army knives of 40k, there isn’t much they can’t do (oh and they are fearless too, lol). So when I make lists that aren’t GK, I build for them over Paladins.

Why? Well I can just avoid Paladins, park rhinos in front of them, or heck even tank shock them a few times. They are good, but slow compared to say Blood Angels.

Overall I think the list can use a little tweeking, as I don’t like the plasmas in the henchman squads. When it comes to armor, two is better than one- so I would try to squeeze in another Dreadnought somehow.

Notice the lack of a Librarian? I’ve been seeing that a lot more these days, and I think it’s a good thing (checkout my post here about it).

So that’s the list. Do you think it has what it takes to thrive in the current meta? -MBG