More Exclusive Warhammer 40k Munchkin Cards SPOTTED!

By Wesley Floyd | November 6th, 2018 | Categories: Board Games, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

guilliman munchkin warhammer 40k

Just in time for Orktober, more Ork-themed Warhammer 40k Munchkin previews are here! Let’s go over what we’ve seen so far.

As we’ve gotten closer to 40k Munchkin hitting the shelves, Steve Jackson Games has also begun posting some pictures under “Designers Commentary” to the website. John Kovalic, the game’s art designer has also been previewing cards exclusively to his faithful Patreon supporters. Without any more delay, let’s check out what’s been given to the mainstream fans.

40k Munchkin Cards & 2 New Expansions Previewed

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When we first discussed Munchkin Warhammer 40,000 with Games Workshop, we all knew we wanted an expansion shortly after the core game. There’s so much fun, gameable content in the Warhammer 40,000 universe that a single Munchkin game can’t possibly contain it!

Even before we announced Munchkin Warhammer 40,000 at Gen Con, I was working on the cards for the expansion set Faith and Firepower. I knew we wanted to add a couple of Armies to the six in the core game and I knew we wanted more Chaos monsters and lots more cool Treasures. What I didn’t know was how well this new content would mesh with the cards from the core game.

So What is Munchkin?

Munchkin is probably one of the most fun board games you’ll ever play. It’s basically an adventure game where all the players will try to level up and get through the end without dying to a horrible “monster” or getting stabbed in the back by their friends.

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You can pick up random equipment and help your buddies or completely screw them over. Remember, it’s all about your personal gain in the end!

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Munchkin has a board game for just about any setting you can think of. Classic DND style, Western, and Cthulu just to name a few. Very soon, Warhammer 40k will be added to the list. So what’s the word on the 40k version?

New 40k Munchkin Cards Revealed

Exclusive Warhammer 40k Munchkin Cards SPOTTED

These next cards are the ones that were posted on World of Munchkin for everyone to see! Maybe this will entice you enough to grab a game for yourself.


“Monsters” in Munchkin 40k are going to be characters from all different races found across the galaxy. Try to stay as far away from the ones that are especially good at hurting you.

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There are monsters in the game (just like every Munchkin game) that will specifically hate on a certain kind of faction. No one is safe in the Grimdark universe.

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Weapons & Gear

As you play the game, you’ll find gear that can help you in your next battle. It’s nice to see that Munchkin is still bringing their puns to a universe where survival and hope are myths.

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John Kovalic Previews Ork Cards on his Patreon


munchkin ork art

Seen on Munchkin’s site, what do you think this card could be titled?

Out of respect for the artist and his work, we won’t be previewing the latest cards. However, he made an announcement of some Ork cards coming to the game that his Patreon supporters can look at right now.

Just in time for Orktober, there’s also exclusive commentary on the cards to give the fans a little bit of background information on the card pool.

What do you think about the cards for 40k Munchkin we’ve seen so far? What do you think the game board will look like? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.