40k Nurgle Never Looked So Good! Magnificent Host of Chaos

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Check out one of the top Nurgle armies we saw at Warzone Atlanta! There’s a conversion on just about every single model in this list.

Warzone Atlanta was the home of all sorts of one-of-a-kind armies for a weekend. Conversions and custom paint schemes were running rampant. Let’s break down Luke Slothower’s Death Guard Army that made Nurgle proud.

Nurgle’s Magnificent Hosts

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Mortarion knew there would be Knights at the tournament so he brought a handful of his own. Of course, in an objective-based meta, there had to be some underlings in the list as well. Three squads of Nurglings did what they do best. Hold objectives and cause a headache for the enemy.

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Looking at this from a hobby standpoint, all the of the weathering and “growths” are just sculpted green stuff. Of course, no details were spared with custom Death guard insignias slapped on the sides of the Rhinos.

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Morty and his band of flying Nurgling misfits are still as deadly as they’ve ever been. This man can still touch just about anything and destroy it in one round…All while looking fashionably green.

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When a Nurgle Brain-leech manages to sink its fangs into a person, they become mindless! That’s exactly what happened to these Guardsmen (Now Cultists) in the list.

The whole army came complete on a display board filled with Nurgle’s mystery ooze. This is just one of the many armies that turned heads at Warzone Atlanta. Keep your hobby muscles strong and check back for even more beautiful army showcases.

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Warzone Atlanta Grand Tournament

What do you think about this Death Guard list? Has this inspired you to make a custom display board? let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.