40k OP Alert: Closer Look at Raven Guard Eliminators

Eliminators space marine primaris wal hor

The Raven Guard Eliminators may just be OP now for character hunting. Don’t miss the latest sprue pics and spicy new rules for these character hunters.

Primaris Eliminators are nothing new. They were a new unit that came inside of the Shadowspear Box Set. However, just now, we are finally looking at their own box kit. Each kit comes with three models at $50 a pop. That might seem steep, but if you’re going to use them, the Raven Guard with their rules might be the way to go.

Primaris Eliminator Kit

primaris eliminator sprue

Looking at the kits, GW actually didn’t do what they did with the Havoc’s chain cannon. Primaris Eliminators come with three bolt sniper bits and three las fusil bits. Sure, you only get one bolter, but that’s all you need to proc the bonus rules for these guys.

eliminator datasheet

On a normal Primaris body, these guys also have camo cloaks effectively having a 1+ save in cover and can move back when charged instead of unloading in overwatch. Plus, your sergeant can also add 1 to hits and wounds of his Marine’s shots. (That’s not bad at all for the sacrifice of carrying a bolter). However, you can choose to pop tanks with a 3-damage las fusil or go for characters and screens with different ammo used in the bolt sniper. The bolt sniper is really the weapon of choice for the Raven Guard now that we’ve seen their new rules.

What Makes Raven Guard Eliminators So Good?

raven guard ct 2019

On top of having a 1+ save in cover normally, they proc their cover save if they’re outside of 12″. That means they could be standing out in the open and have 1+ save all on their own. However, if they’re already standing in cover, they’re also -1 to hit. It’s just value anyway you look at it.

raven guard surgical strikes

Raven Guard get all of the Doctrines too. However, if they have the Tactical Doctrine active, they also get a nifty bonus. Raven Guard units will be able to add 1 to hit and wound rolls against Character units. Now, this might not seem too great because characters are usually hidden behind enemy lines.

However, Primaris Eliminators can target characters with their D3 damage bolt sniper that causes a mortal wound on a 6+. But it gets better. You don’t need an unmodified wound roll of a 6+ to proc a mortal wound and this Doctrine gives you +1 to wound. Meaning you’ll be able to deal a mortal wound on a 5+. (4+ if you have your sergeant give them an additional +1 to hit and wound by spotting for them).

Now, on one squad alone, you’ll be -1 to hit them, have a 1+ save, hit characters on a 2+, wound T4 things on a 2+ with Guided Aim and Surgical Strikes, and proc a mortal wound on a 4+.

Raven Guard Intercessors Are Also Good

raven guard intercessor

In the same vein and on a quick side note, Raven Guard Intercessors are just as good at taking out characters.

target sighted

Previously in Vigilus, you could use this 1CP stratagem on a squad of Intercessors armed with Stalker bolt rifles to keep popping heads. Now in the Space Marine dex it has been superseded and costs 3cp, however, it’s still pretty powerful paired with the all the new rules.

stalker bolt rifle

With a 36″ range at S4, AP-2, 2 damage, you’ll also be hitting on a 2+ and wounding T4 characters on a 3+ (with the +1 to wound) as well as proc a mortal wound on a 5+.

Altogether, Raven Guard are all about precision and have multiple ways of bringing auras down out of the enemy force. What do you think about the Raven Guard rules combined with character-targeting firepower?

New Space Marines Prices & Lineup CONFIRMED!

raven-guard-new-releases-space-marines-iron-handsNew Iron Hands, Raven Guard, and Primaris models and supplements are on the way for next week. Check out the lineup and pricing latest. Read More

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