40k Ork Codex Release Pre-Order Lineup & Pricing

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It is finally here! Come and take a look at the new Ork Codex as it brings with it a host of new buggies for your Speed Freeks and 40k games!

The Ork Codex has finally arrived and it rides on high octane, smoke billowing, Orky machines of death. Come and get a first look at the newest releases for 8th Editon Orks!

Codex: Orks: $40

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Amid constant, seething tides of war and bloodshed, burgeoning greenskin empires rise and fall. Numerous beyond belief and driven always to fight and conquer, the Orks threaten to overwhelm every single galactic empire, stronghold and race. While their thirst for battle has always proved their downfall, causing brutal infighting that keeps them from crushing all opposition, occasionally a great leader rises who is capable of unifying the squabbling tribes, and soon a Waaagh! is underway – partially a migration, partially a holy war. When the Orks are on the rampage, the galaxy trembles – and in these dark times, more Waaaghs! are rising than ever before.

Codex: Orks contains a wealth of background and rules – the definitive book for Orks collectors. Within this 136-page hardback, you’ll find:

– The Barbarous Hordes: the history, motivations and beliefs of the Orks – a race that has avoided the angst-ridden trappings of other, more philosophical creatures by simply drawing contentment from hitting everything.
– The Green Menace: an overview of Ork society and ecology, theories on exactly how their numbers increase so quickly and details of their hangers-on – the Gretchin and Snotlings who perform menial tasks in exchange for protection.
– Greenskin Kultur: detailing Ork hierarchy, their excellence in warfare and their desire for speed and dakka, this section demonstrates the Ork way of life.
– The Ork Gods: Gork (brutal but kunnin’) and Mork (kunnin’ but brutal), gods honoured by destruction, and evoked by huge armoured war-suits designed to smash stuff up.
– Details of Ork tribes and clans, with descriptions, background and heraldry for the following: Goffs, Evil Sunz, Blood Axes, Deathskulls, Bad Moons, Snakebites, and Freebooterz.
– A selection of Ork glyphs – a list of pictorials and their meanings to help you kustomise your own Ork collection.
– Gathering the Waaagh!: war on an apocalyptic scale, Waaaghs! can swallow entire civilisations whole, gathering strength and size with every shot fired and every punch thrown. This section explains how they spontaneously erupt around particularly strong leaders.
– A galactic map showing the drastic greenskin expansion, with enormous Waaaghs! picked out in an appropriately green hue.
– A timeline of major events and battle in Ork history.
– Background on each unit available to an Ork army.
– A showcase of beautifully painted Citadel miniatures, with example armies featuring everything from individual images of models to battle scenes on terrain.


Everything you need to get an Ork army primed for games of Warhammer 40,000 is in here:

– 47 datasheets providing rules for using every Ork unit in your games of Warhammer 40,000
– Gunz and Gubbinz: profiles for all weapons and wargear of the Orks, be they ranged or close combat
– Points values for all miniatures, weapons and wargear for use in matched play games
– Ways of the Warbands – rules for Battle-forged armies, including:
– Clan Kulturs: specific rules for Goffs, Bad Moons, Evil Sunz, Deathskulls, Snakebites, Blood Axes, and Freebooterz
– Army abilities that reflect the methods of war of the Orks on the tabletop
– 26 unique Stratagems
– 6 unique Warlord Traits usable by any Ork commander, with a further 7 available to the same clans outlined in the Clan Kulturs section
– Shiny Gubbinz: 13 unique weapons and artefacts available only to Orks;
– Power of the Waaagh!: 6 psychic powers specific to Ork models with the Psyker keyword
– 6 Tactical Objectives unique to Orks

At long last, the Ork codex is finally within grabbing distance! This could be the most anticipated codex of the year after such a long wait. Make sure you grab your copy and sit down to review everything that’s changed.

Megatrakk Scrapjet: $45

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A favourite amongst Speed Freeks and grounded Flyboyz alike, Megatrakk Scrapjets provide rocket-propelled acceleration, impressive firepower and the hilarity of ramming into enemy lines at the helm of what is effectively a gigantic, thrust-driven drill. These vehicles allow former Ork pilots to revel in the dimly-remembered joy of mowing down enemies at point-blank range – a joy which, of course, often caused the Flyboy to crash in the first place. Explosions blossom amidst the enemy as rokkits and missiles collide with their targets, while Grot tail-gunners blaze away with chattering big shootas – the array of weaponry welded, bolted, riveted and lashed onto a Megatrakk Scrapjet is fearsome.

This multipart plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a Megatrakk Scrapjet. Built around the fuselage of a downed Ork aircraft, the Scrapjet is pretty much a metal tube covered in things that make enemies die – a front-mounted rokkit kannon (with belt-fed rokkits!), missiles which can be modelled mid-launch, a drill attached to the front turbine with accompanying spiked rams, a twin big shoota at the front and another twin big shoota crewed by a Grot rear gunner. While the wings have been broken off in whatever terrible accident grounded the Scrapjet, it’s still covered in fins and ailerons – after all, they look cool, and that’s what being a Flyboy is all about! The pilot himself is decked out in a flight jacket, goggles and a long scarf billowing out behind him, seated in a cockpit full of instruments (which he is, of course, ignoring). The Scrapjet is propelled by a huge jet exhaust at the back, which pushes the vehicle along via the tracked wheels attached to the rear.

This kit comes as 65 components and is supplied with a Citadel 150mm Oval base.

The Scrapjet looks like the end product of what a Mek could make out of a crashed Dakka Jet. It may not have wings but it’s got plenty of firepower.

Boomdakka Snazzwagon: $45

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The roar of overcharged engines and the crackle of flames herald the arrival of the Boomdakka Snazzwagons. Lightly built speedsters based around looted vehicle frames, Snazzwagons are clad in hastily welded scrap armour. Their drivers go hell for leather, as they know that a single artillery shell is likely to blow their ride to smithereens. Of course, the enemy has to hit them first, and as the Snazzwagons fishtail and skid madly through hails of incoming fire, it quickly becomes apparent that this is no mean feat! Gangs of howling Burna Boyz cling on, flinging burna bottles – the resulting inferno is as dangerous to the Orks as it is their foes, but the crew is too busy having fun to worry about paltry concerns like getting cremated in a firestorm…

This multipart plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a Boomdakka Snazzwagon. Designed for pure speed, it eschews the usual Orky technique of nailing every single bit of metal in the area to a vehicle – you have the option of assembling it without even the roof, exposing the roll cage. Attached to the frame is a network of exhausts and intakes that feed the enormous, powerful engine mounted in the front. As well as this engine, the front of the Snazzwagon features a massive dozer blade, with a masked Grot tightly strapped on – as if that weren’t enough manic detail, there’s a mek speshul mounted to the left side of the main air intake. The driver is leaning out of the right-hand side, leering ahead with a burna bottle ready to go, while riding shotgun is another Grot, this one waving a blasta. A bellowing Burna Boy balances on the back, burna bottle in one hand and the trigger of a big shoota in the other.

This kit comes as 65 components and is supplied with a Citadel 170mm Oval base.

Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy: $45

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Often seen muscling their way through their fellow Speed Freeks as they roar toward the front lines, Rukkatrukk Squigbuggies employ living close-range artillery to wreak havoc amongst the enemy ranks. They launch a variety of squiggly beasts at the hapless foe: bitey squigs, which latch on to the first thing they hit and don’t stop chewing until they are bludgeoned to death; bile squigs which squirt, spray or vomit a variety of hilariously harmful fluids in every direction; and boom squigs that explode violently at the first sign of provocation, ostensibly to ‘warn off predators’. These are hurled out via squig launchas, which are tossed about between crew members in order to quickly deliver the perfect squig – the squealing, thrashing and booming audible over the Squigbuggy’s throaty roar.

This multipart plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy. Notably rugged in construction for an Ork vehicle – while still bearing the ramshackle hallmarks of a machine built by Meks with more hammers than sense – the Squigbuggy is a flatbed truck with a long, wide wheelbase, which allows it to zoom over rough terrain mostly without flipping over disastrously. The flatbed itself contains a squig pen overflowing with all manner of bitey, bile and boom squigs, overseen by a grot (who, honestly, is having a pretty hard time keeping the squigs under control). A large Ork balances precariously by the pen, stuffing a squig into the heavy squig launcher he’s wrestling into position. Below the flatbed are 2 fuel tanks – not especially well protected from impact – and a set of saw blades either side, perfect for shredding tyres and enemies. In the cockpit, which is effectively just a few bits of scaffold over a steering wheel, sit the driver and another crew member. Both are covered in the bite marks, scratches and scars that come with a career in squig-wrangling, with the Ork riding shotgun leaning hard on the firing mechanism of his squig launcha. At the front, the Squigbuggy features a huge toothed maw in lieu of a grill – this is rounded off nicely by a spiky ram.

This kit comes as 61 components and is supplied with a Citadel 150mm Oval base.


This bad boy is the Swiss army knife of the new Buggies. It’s got all kinds of different firing modes, a ton of shooting, and decent close combat attacks.

Deffkilla Wartrike: $45

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Fast-moving fighting platforms, Deffkilla Wartrikes make little concession to armoured protection for their riders. Scythe-wheeled, with an enormous rokkit engine afterburner on the back, these trikes not only move at a frankly vulgar pace but also pack enough firepower to make them extra killy. There’s no escaping the crew of a Deffkilla Wartrike – while Speedboss and driver alike are completely exposed to enemy fire, they’re quite happy to prove how tough they are by simply ploughing headlong into the biggest enemy formation they can find. Who wants to be seen cowering behind armour when there’s a fight to be had?

This multipart plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a Deffkilla Wartrike. Crewed by 2 enormous Orks – a driver and Speedboss – it sits low and long, its massive engine housed between the serrated rear wheels for maximum torque (and maximum flame-belching). Both driver and Speedboss are staring intently to their left, targeting an unfortunate enemy with their gaze – the driver wields a twin boomstikk that’s longer than his arm, and the Speedboss is waving a grappling hook-equipped snagga klaw. At the rear, a fuel-mixa Grot stands ready to add whatever dangerous chemicals he can to the tank with the air intakes on either side designed to resemble an Orkish maw.

This kit comes as 78 components and is supplied with a Citadel 150mm Oval base.

When Warbosses find out their too slow to keep up with the rest of the Boyz, they improvise. The Deffkilla Wartrike is going to be able to chase down and hook faster units without being targeted! (thanks character rule).

Mekboy Workshop: $40

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Ork Mek Workshop

Ork Mek Workshop

Ork Mek Workshop

Ork Mek Workshop

Ork Mek Workshop

All Mekboyz can perform battlefield repairs using no more than a weighty wrench-hammer, a sack of nails and a healthy dose of gumption, but most do their best work in the comfortably anarchic surrounds of their own workshop. Meks are more than capable of cobbling together a workspace from whatever is lying about, with rudimentary workshops springing up from battlefield wreckage even while the bullets are still flying. Greenskin vehicles roar toward such teetering structures, their crews throwing sacks of teef at the resident Mek – he and his crew get to work immediately, sending the Ork customers on their way with snazzier guns, souped-up engines and extra armour plates.

This multipart plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a Mekboy Workshop. Constructed from metal beams which the industrious Mekboy has salvaged from the clamour of battle around him, the Workshop features a large workbench covered in the gubbinz of his craft – a wall-mounted toolset, an enormous drill, a box of spanners and a vice – and a ton of spare parts. A kustom force field generator, bits of steering wheel, buzzsaw blades; it might look like a random assortment, but the Mekboy who owns it knows exactly where each piece he needs is. A reinforced beam is attached to this workspace at a right angle – a large engine block is hanging from a length of chain, ready for repair or installation, with a large grabbin’ klaw which can be modelled facing in any direction you like. Included are 3 barricades and 3 piles of scrap, which can be placed around the Workshop in any way you like, and the whole kit is compatible with the STC Ryza-pattern Ruins set – build your own kustom sprawling mess!

This kit is supplied as 36 components.

The Workshop was originally part of a rumor way back in the day. It’s exciting to see it pop up all of the sudden. We aren’t quite sure how useful it’ll be on the tabletop though. You’ll have to pull your already slowed/injured vehicles from the front so he can repair them. It’s a fantastic terrain piece though!

Datacards: Orks: $15

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Designed to make it easier to keep track of Tactical Objectives and Stratagems in games of Warhammer 40,000, this set of 72 cards – each featuring artwork on the reverse – is an indispensable tool in the arsenal of any Orks gamer. Included:

– 26 Stratagems available to any Battle-forged Orks army as found in Codex: Orks (including 7 specific to individual Clans), along with 3 Stratagems – Command Re-roll, Counter-Offensive and Insane Bravery – from the Warhammer 40,000 rules, available to any army
– 7 Psychic Powers – 6 from the Power of the Waaagh! Discipline, along with Smite
– 36 Tactical Objectives, including the 6 specific Tactical Objectives from Codex: Orks

Orks Dice: $20

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This is a set of 20 6-sided 16mm dice, which are rust-coloured to represent the crude nature of the Orks. Designed with square edges – which are chipped and dinged in an appropriately Ork-like manner – with the pips perfectly flush with the surfaces, each features an Ork skull in place of the 1 and an Ork glyph in the place of the 6. All of the markings on the dice are black, contrasting nicely with the rusty colour.

That’s it for this week. We can’t wait to see what these new units bring to the tabletop.  But, enough about us. What do you think about these new releases?

Let us know over on our Facebook Hobbies Group and make sure you check back next week and see what’s new from Games Workshop.