40k RPG: Wrath & Glory for Preorder Next Friday

By Wesley Floyd | May 24th, 2018 | Categories: RPG, Warhammer 40k News

wrath and glory

Warhammer 40k’s new  RPG will be up for preorder next Friday. We are going to take a look at the deals and what comes inside of them.

BoLS gave us some insight on just what’s coming

Wrath and Glory’s Setting

The ocean world, Charybdion, has been shrouded in mystery and discontent after the planetary governor went missing. The council is struggling to find a suitable heir to assume the position as leader. Meanwhile, streets are going increasingly darker and more dangerous. Murders, nightmares, and other wickedness threaten to bring the planet to the point of no return.

What’s in the Game

wrath and glory rules

The core rules book will have about 400 pages and be a complete rules reference for the game. This will also have in-depth character creation guides, game mastering advice and more.

You’ll have two options to choose from when you preorder, they offer very different things. If you are thinking about just picking up the game, or wanting to GM there’s a bundle that’s right for you.

Player Bundle: 100$

  • Hardcover core rules book
  • Talents and psychic powers card pack
  • Gear card pack
  • 5 dice (4 black and 1 red)

All-in Bundle: 275$

  • Hardcover core rules book
  • Dark tides
  • GM screen
  • Wrath deck
  • Campaign card deck
  • Perils of the Warp deck
  • Combat complications card deck
  • Talents and psychic powers card deck
  • Gear card pack
  • Wrath and Glory digital soundtrack
  • 3 double-sided maps (1 large and 2 medium)
  • Beginners rulebook and a new starter adventure
  • 6 pre-generated characters on deluxe character sheets
  • Acrylic tokens for characters and enemies
  • 10 dice (9 black, 1 red)
  • Exclusive collectors box.

Good News

thumbs up

If you have a playgroup, we’d suggest someone like the GM get the all-in bundle because it offers so many features like the GM screen and map. on top of that, you can keep peoples’ noses of their books because you’ll have all the cards for everything they’ll need. However, as a player joining a playgroup, the standard player bundle should work just fine!

It’s important to note that it’s rumored that you’ll be getting some kind of bonus material with your bundle. There should be previews coming for what than bonus material is each week up until the release of the game. The best part is you’ll get bonus material no matter what bundle you buy. Consequently, this is only offered until the release of the game so get yourself squared away!

Missed our other article on this game? We’ve got it right here for you:

This short webcomic gives us a glimpse into one of many facets of gameplay in this upcoming role-playing game set in the Warhammer 40k universe. Ulisses North America shows us how to make a skill check in this new and exciting game.

Wrath and Glory Comic

rpg wrath and glory

via Ulisses North America

“We’re thrilled to present the Wrath & Glory Example of Play comic, drawn by Kaiser of Eagle Ordinary.

Comic 1

Comic 2

Within these two pages are a lot of information on this new game from the types of factions and characters you can play to how skill checks are made. Plus one can only hope to get an awesome Warhammer 40K GM Screen. I’m just saying! Let’s break down this new dice mechanic first and see how to make a skill check.

Wrath and glory dice example

That seems to be a cool new way to make checks in this new RPG.  Looks like you add your skill value to your base stat to create a dice pool to roll. Using your standard six-sided dice that we all probably own a lot of, you try to roll a target number based off of a stat listed your character sheet. Ultimately, those successes produce Icons which are used to determine whether or not a skill check has passed or failed.

In this case, Varkus needs to roll a 4 or better to produce Icons. He rolls four results which are average. However, the six he rolled is considered an Exalted Icon and produces two instead of the standard one Icon giving him Five total. With that, he passes the test and probably saves his party from suffering some sort of cold damage.


It also looks like if you roll really well you can move all of your extra Exalted Icons to a new pool to use for extra effects with the Shift mechanic. Allowing you to improve the quality of the check, speed up the process, or gain more information from the task at hand. That is a great way add a level of suspense to the game when you may just need to absolutely nail a task in the right moment!

pc for Wrath & Glory comic

It’s great to see that you can choose from a variety of different factions throughout the 40k multiverses to create custom player-characters. Allowing you to flesh out characters that you really want to play helps immerse you in the story and allows you to have a lot more fun playing an RPG.

With all that covered, the upcoming Wrath & Glory game system seems like it’s pretty easy to learn. We hope to see more pages from this webcomic and learn more from Ulisses on this exciting new game before it’s release!

To learn more check out the FAQ over at Ulisses North America.

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